高手入,追加100分!约80词的英语短文,介绍一下牛顿(Newton)怎样发现万有引力定律(the Law of Gravity




One day, Newton was reading under an apple tree. Suddenly, an apple fell down.He thought, 'Why the apple fell down? Whether anything will also fall down or not? Will the sun, the moon and stars fall down,too?'
After a lot of experiments, Newton finally found the Law of Gravity.
第1个回答  2010-11-20
One day, Newton sitting under the apple tree, reading, suddenly, an apple fell out. Newton thought: "why apple will fall down? Everything will be falling? What can stop objects fall? The sun, the moon and the stars will fall?" With these questions, Newton did a lot of experiments, eventually found "the law of universal gravitation".
第2个回答  2010-11-20
One day, Newton was reading the book under an apple tree. Suddenly, an apple dropped from the tree. Newton wondered that why the apple dropped, which could prevent the object dropping and the Sun, Moon and star also dropped? Newton done many experiment with these questions. and found 'the law of universal gravitation