


1、N-COUNT  床;床铺 A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep.She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed.她走进卧室,躺在床上。

2、N-COUNT  (旅馆、医院等的)床位 If a place such as a hospital or a hotel has a particular number of beds, it is able to hold that number of patients or guests.

3、N-COUNT  畦;苗床;花圃;花坛 A bed in a garden or park is an area of ground that has been specially prepared so that plants can be grown in it.

4、N-COUNT  (海洋或湖泊中某种贝类和植物密集分布的)场,层,带 
A bed of shellfish or plants is an area in the sea or in a lake where a particular type of shellfish or plant is found in large quantities.
