
请问He expects a no-deal Brexit to lead to five to ten years of negotiations over trade. 这里的over什么意思

本句中的介词over的意思是“关于,有关”,相当于介词about / on / concerning 。下面简述一下这四个词( about,over, on, concerning)的用法及区别:
1. about (关于)较为常用,使用频率很高,不如on / concerning 那么正式。它通常指泛泛地或非正式地谈论普通的事情。例如:
We would like to talk about your family with you.
2. over (关于) 仅用在有争执或担忧的情景中。例如:
They both sides will negotiate over the border conflict.
We are greatly concerned over / about their safety.
They often quarrel over / about some trifles.
3. concerning (关于) 较为正式,并且其前必须是名词,不能是动词。例如:
He will give us a lecture concerning the global environment protection.
They had a quarrel over / about / concerning the ownership of the land.
(误) They talked concerning the present situation.
(正) They had a discussion concerning the present situation.
(正) They talked about the present situation.
4. on (关于)通常用于学术性、科技、法律等方面比较严肃的话题。例如:
This is a book on physics.
His essay on birds will appear in a magzine.
第1个回答  2021-01-08
adv. 倒下;翻转;穿过;完全覆盖;以上;大于;再;结束;改变;完毕;仔细地
prep. 在……上面;从……上方;穿越;在……的另一边;在……的远端;从……落下;遍及;多于;在……期间;渡过;由于;关于;利用;通过;声音大于;高于;级别在……之上;优先于;超过
n. (板球)一轮投球
adj. 倒下的;折起来的;结束的;剩下的
v. 越过
