

初一下英语期末综合测试 (新华实验)

I. 单项选择。(15*1=15)

1. Tom is _____ lots of pictures now.

A. taking B. takes C. take D. to take

2. Betty isn’t going to play ______ piano. He’s going to play ______ tennis.

A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the

3. We’ll send our homework ____ our teachers ___ email.

A. for; on B. to; by C. to; on D. for; from

4. Which is the capital of USA ?

A. Washing D.C. B. New York. C. Los Angeles. D. Atlanta.

5. The students are listening to the teacher_____.

A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. careful

6. In summer Shanghai is ______ than Beijing, but Chongqing is _______ than these two cities.

A. hot; hotter B. hotter; even hotter C. hotter; hottest D. very hot ; hottest

7 . —Could you tell me your plan ? — Yes, I’m looking forward to ____.

A. taking photo B. take pictures C. doing some sightseeing D. do some sightseeing

8. — How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008 ?

— It’s hard to say. _____ people, I think.

A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions D. Millions

9. He was born in a town _________ the east of America.

A. in B. on C. with D. from

10. We heard her ________in the next room a moment ago.
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