
我和女友交往5个月了前三个月很甜蜜,那几天女友问我有没有喜欢的人,我就都说了,我知道我笨,但是我不想骗她,说了后她伤心自这件事以后两个月里总是闹别扭可以说是家常便饭了,好好地最多超不过5天准闹别扭一次,!我好后悔当初告诉她我的过去,可是我现在爱的是她啊!我关心她 努力的在乎她 她也有时候开心 每次吵绝对是连锁反应的想到那个事!前三个月我们真的很甜蜜,可接下来两个月里也甜蜜但是没有那时热了,今天她说如果时间能倒流我不会接受你的表白,我听了心酸急了,心里好难受,我问她你还爱我吗,她说我也说不好爱 我也不知道我还爱不爱你,只觉得当初与你开始太草率了!她也没说分手,我们到底该怎么办,我真的放不下这感情 我是初恋 她不是,有经验的人来下谢谢 灌水的别来谢谢了

和她坦诚的谈一谈 确保双方都是认真的 这样不管结果是怎样 都不留遗憾
有的时候你是必须要接受某些事 就算你还想要强硬扭转 那也已经没意义了 如果她变心了 那就放了她 如果她只是因为你以前的事而伤心的 那你就要好好解释一下了 而且还必须要有行动 这个就自己拿主意吧
人都是这样成长的 很明显 你还小 后面的路还很长 你应该学会坚强 男人都需要坚强
第1个回答  2010-07-15
1. Colleagues for a business trip,furniture company, my colleagues in the local hospitality, the night will feature in a hotel banquet rooms Jie Feng. Men and women after a dozen people seated chat non-stop, only one person in the ordering. Good point, and seek advice and talk: \So a buddy in Beijing children,卧室家具, said: \
Miss blushed and still no movement.
a female colleague quickly smooth things over: \? \A dozen people to make a group laugh, miss is a loss.

2. serving the first child to a mixed face lifting. Child was served with a big face lift, then Jidie child ingredients, sauces child or something. Miss serving time did not look out, a drop of sauce, sprinkle in a buddy child children's trousers. That child is intentionally funny buddy bored child, pretending to ask Miss sullenly: \
\I saw Miss deft of the Jidie child ingredients, sauces pour lapin children will fall into children on the one hand and chopsticks in one hand and
spoon,外贸家具批发, brush with a few marinated up. Then that buddy child said: \Thank you,家具出口, \Beijing buddies love this child a child population,
not polite grabbed a leg of lamb, Kacha is the one, gung ji gung ji's eat together. Miss an opinion,5. 近期压力最大的事, said:
\Local colleagues, said: \Miss
hurried over and asked: \looked at and talk, cares. Cautiously to get the lamb in the mouth, cautious bite.
Miss said: \in the end how to eat!? \
full house rose to greet, a hello, Voice.
next to the young lady was very beautiful Shi Yan, new,21种方法让你更受女孩喜欢,sofas, experience was not a rich, quite a little nervous.
everyone seated, it was greeted: \lead added, saying: \What do you count? \, pass me anything for? \br> leadership laugh, everyone laughs. Leaders do not do mass held, the people gracious enough to pursue the inconvenience.

5. wine over San Xun, up a dish: \! \Good! you Please feel free to. \
soon after, Tom will do that thing round floats, asked: \eat! \could not tell you? \. `
If you laugh. Help top look. Let others laugh himself to smile at the next
第2个回答  2010-07-15
If the report can
Women over 10 need to marry on home

1, you are her the first man
2, holding her from behind, sleep, and she obediently curled into a ball, not turn to see you
3, middle of the night and wake up for you tuck
4, eat your feed to her goodies do you think, and feel tasty
5,Bar Stools Furniture, did not find out you do not want her to know anything
6, I believe every word you do not expose your lies
7 efforts to adapt your lifestyle and life circle
8, friendly and treat your friends, as they have their friends
9, in front of your friends to meet you face
10 , keep doing what you love to do her work
11, the hair length,每次她打扫完, volume is not hot, do not let water users Mile hardened hair stuff
12, control of diet and exercise to keep fit The slim and change the status of the Princess Taiping
13, for your nails, make you get out there on the biting habits of mind
14, pull to the square with you blow soap bubbles
15, income from her bad mood,家具出口, his face wiped away tears, when you see her she would smile as much as possible
16, in a radio point, \and you meet
18, singing in the karaoke ok \you behind her back in the house spinning
21, lying on your stomach with you watching TV
22, with a bath, to help you dry
23, see ***, learn to be a solution style of the woman, not always innocent little girl
24,Bar Stools Furniture, is love becomes a simple-minded little woman
25, for cleaning your clothes, especially the stinky socks
26, to help you clean all shoes, no matter what you need to wear a pair when they are clean
27, to accompany you to the vegetable market to buy vegetables
28, eat, and praise you to do the dishes
29, with father Dad learned to do his gold knuckle of pork braised
30, to ensure the smooth flow of mobile phone, you can always find her
31,Home Furniture,何况男人的哲学, told his mother, and your story, she was entitled to know who put her daughter into a woman
32, and you are good in the bathroom
33, good save you send her every thing
34, pp of small books with a note of each of you sent her a text message
35, quietly waiting for you to come back
36, not good-bye friends
37, you are happy than when you happy when you're sad, sad than you
38, sincerely believe that everything you do is justified
39, according to studio shoot couple, made a beautiful brochure, she should wear a wedding
40, the Cubs have been on the bed Nazhi
41, introduced all her good friend to you know
42, to protect you from a little aggrieved
43, for a their mailbox, write a lot of love on the inside waiting for you to see
44, each year from home to see you 45, pour coax you to take medicine
46, secretly pulling angle of your clothes,furniture importer, to remind you to drink less
47, when you never give up your suffering
48, good any time ready to follow you from their homes
49, agreed to marry you, even if not roses and a ring (if any such day)
50, at a time when you no longer love her quietly away
第3个回答  2010-07-15
First contact with the DOTA is high time to time as to a play DOTA Jiangsu Jiangxi really is true because three of the world. Then those who know the old woman. Several seemingly powerful time of Jiangsu also know that that did not expect that, surprisingly,Home Furniture, what clan of the JS. Remember look at the Jiangsu team feel special powerful few can be said to worship in terms of a bar. In particular, the old woman and the pig. Or Satan had introduced me in to say. Occasionally, high up on what the basic term holiday with them a room to play in Jiangsu Gallant. I remember sophomore has emerged VS platform. They say that demolition of the black or to match something. Then I play with no one that played in the past also. Sophomore basic is my time of real contact with DOTA. Basically because of the time playing in Internet cafes. Therefore,Bedroom Furniture, feature points as those DOTA REP ah ah do not know what all. Because not want to waste time on that on Internet cafes. After all, time to play itself is also less boring video of what to study. Residual brain is not. So DOTA is entirely their own way out. And boring to play with understanding friends. Not too much to many people at least five black friends be there. Play now called the friend left the real star on the left A and butcher. Real sense of the term feminist to say is that I actually I have two of the division of apprentice is stable ah. Never give up knife to help me kill me help me protect my various sharp GANK. Section 2 can be invincible What. . Therefore, hegemony is always playing for a long time to fill with a line cutter money. Even more skilled teammates after the knife still can not let up 80% of the soldiers received the money. Really is a habit. After what used to never GANK support. Waiting for God to save the world on the installation. Said to fight so long to make up really has not changed over knife. Truly powerful is my time to it in the Middle School. Ago is silly to play the game very happy. Middle School has changed their computer time with a more adequate. Ah go look at the video. Still have not seen the so-called master REP instance VIGOSS ah ah all do not know what 7L. See that a lot of great shots on the video. Very beautiful look great feel very happy to now I have not seen the actual REP master know,家具网, but anyhow. . . She has changed where it? It should be said, and was just met Wang Yunfei, Zhang Xiang, after their winter vacation. Are completed by that time his sword and powerful. As they please in the aftermath and the butcher ran Gallant play. Hao Fang arrived in time to master a room. That is the highest rating. I remember two people always to dismantle the black to play. For example,办公家具, I've seen a few that BPM is Chenny and melody. Overall the focus can be considered a bar to play,真是可怜的家伙们, but not much. Remember that they have higher grades. At that time the high level platforms are around level 11 12. Then the two played well ah think their technology. After all passers-by. Personal strength and technique is easy to read. Can be said that the advantage was two reasons why individuals have been won. A kind of feeling great sense of honor? Be won, after all grade high Mody. It can be said though that time they won when they confused the opponent, after all, I have the impression formidable. That may be hit with VIGOSS changed my views on many of the DOTA. Can be said to have a lot to master this fight can strengthen their own is true. While not wishing to play because with VIGOSS That study his methods. I suddenly felt that his past will only play money is food B. While the former has more wins,but not in public satire, but that do not increase individual strength. One thing to remember. VS of a room was black as a strong personal power. At the time, 48 right? My TB had not lost. That dark side of the three people who won my 3 black. Is that the person he was playing SIL. Much slower than I hit. He won my personal strength. That 30 minutes of my heart butterfly knives. Ordinary shoes. Ready to jump out the knife. Because the opposite is a prophet. Not just because the band did not eat the tree. Each must be tied to SIL Gaosi. That I did not play much slower pace than before how much. But I lost. So he is now the bottleneck encountered before. Leg looks like God is right? What feeling legs before playing God is not doom GANK equipment also GANK. I will not I at least ensure that they have certain advantages that economic security is a human life for a shot. God, I can say the same time and legs stronger. Inexplicable but strong. Because I abuse the VIGOSS. His abuse of the PGG. Changed a lot. Example, the BPM room before Haofang melody and chenny now seem to treat B as a vegetable. Indeed change over. People to progress is true. Like a play DOTA than high time ago when the object of worship pigs. In particular, his QOP Imperial sword out of the dark flow of play off very high. So, ah. Now met with the play. . . That he has not thought himself so powerful. Can be seen on his past. All of the many excuses. Who knows how powerful. Somehow I am strong. Asked everyone said I was with the knife up so fast before. I have strong issues where the? TP on because it will support will ensure tower will be able to make me strong GANK to this extent? Is indeed the case. A concept of God with legs. Remember that no equipment,家具, no level of leg of God go GANK. 1 DK began GANK. . . Really makes me ashamed ah. But really powerful. He GANK ability to really impress me. Now he, like me to change the point. Advantage, or at least ensure that there are levels and equipment advantages. Unlike the previous all out without any advantage GANK. So powerful is like learning among master. Also blame themselves too much. Before that, my request what is no fun entertainment only. Now began to dispute some of that change too much unwarranted things. A star said to me really fall into the whirlpool of the. Want to come or go passers entertainment. This is just casually explain the DOTA change. Really do not want to pursue the kind of feeling. But personally feel. I must decisively stronger than I am to see you still call me the next. Or from that than I am strong. Decisive call me huh. But that kind of deceptive player like SI provocation players do not cheat I would say that every day people who do not admit that I curse my things. Ah but it is still like a group of the bullfrog and the black team when play it. Forget it does not explain. Strong call to other operators word black. Jiugen last that unscrupulous people SOLO win my sixth. Then call the 7L claiming the child then completed the CW to me I thank you also notice the other not? Repetitious'm really not interested
第4个回答  2010-07-15
第5个回答  2010-07-15