
写成对话形式 ABC三个人的对话。每个人2句话就行!

1. What differences do you see between Chinese-style learning and American-style learning from Benjamin’s case?

2. If you could become the richest person in China, what kind of life would you like to live?

3. How do you learn at college? Are you employing new learning methods? If so, what are they? Please talk about the difference between the study at high school and at college.

4. What would you do if you have different opinions from your parents?

5. In your opinion, what causes the generation gap?

6. Do you think society still discriminates against women? Give facts to support your conclusion.

7. What can people do on the Internet? What about you?
8. What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life?

9. Do you give your trust in the net-friends? And why?

10. Besides hard working, are there other elements which are essential to success?

11. Why do people have pets? Do you want to keep a pet? If not, please state your reasons.

12. For boys: Do you wish to marry a superwoman? Why or why not? / For girls: Do you think a good marriage is more important than a good career? Give your reasons.

汗 我一个字母一个字母地用心写了两个小时。

1. What differences do you see between Chinese-style learning and American-style learning from Benjamin’s case?
A: Hi, Jack! Do you know the event about Benjamin's case?
B: Of course. I found there were some differences between Chinese-style learning and American-style learning from the case.
A: Really? I didn't find it. How about you, Tom?
C: Neither did I. Jack, tell us.
B: Okay. The Chinese-style learning is more passive while the American one is more active.

2If you could become the richest person in China, what kind of life would you like to live?
A: Tin, Look there! That's Bill Gates, the richest person on the earth.
B: Yeah, I believe I can be the richest person in China with my efforts one day.
C: Great, John! Then what kind of life would you like to live?
A: Well. I'd like to travel around the world.
C: Oh, I see. Then what about you, John?
A: I will devote myself to help the poor and make them live a better life as possible as I can.
C: How honourable!

3How do you learn at college? Are you employing new learning methods? If so, what are they? Please talk about the difference between the study at high school and at college.
A: Jack, You were No. 1 again in the last final exam. Perfect!
B: Yeah! I study hard and employ reasonable method.
C: What's it? I just study according to my experience in high school, but it results in few effect.
A: So do I, Tony. Jack, could you please share the new methods with us?
B: No problem, we are friends. There are many differences between high school and college. So the study methods have to me make corresponding adjustments. At high school, we spend much more time to cram up to win high scores while at college, we are more like to focus on all-around development and gain improvement in comprehensive quality.
A\C: Great. Thanks!

4What would you do if you have different opinions from your parents?
A: What's wrong with you, Tom? You seems a little unhappy.
C: He just had argument with his parents.
A: Oh, why?
B: Because I want to go to work after my graduation, but my parents ask me to pursue the master degree.
A: I see! But I think we should talk with our parents calmly instead of quarreling with them.
C: Yeah, I agree with you! I just persuaded him like this. When there any different opinions between parents and us, we should firstly listen to our parents' suggestion and secondly express our ideas and the reason, thirdly we discuss the differences with parents and conclude the optimal result.
B: Thanks! It's my fault. I will go to beg apologize from my parents and talking with them again.
A/C: Glad to hear that!

5In your opinion, what causes the generation gap?
A: Nowadays children often have arguments with their parents.
B: So it is! Do you know the reason, Jack?
C: Anyway, there exists a kind of generation gap between them.
A: Generation gap?
C: Yes. As the children and the parents are born and grow up in different period and circumstances, their opinion are due to different.
B: I see. But what can be done to eliminate the gap?
C: Mutual efforts.
A: I guess you mean that both children and parents should give each other understanding and make efforts to reach the comprehension.
B: You are right!

6Do you think society still discriminates against women? Give facts to support your conclusion.
A: I just finish reading a story. Women in ancient society lived in a unfortunate life and were discriminated badly.
B: Yes, it is. There were three obediences and four virtues imposed on women. They have limited rights almost in every aspect.
C: I agree with you, too. Happily we live in modern society and the women have equal rights to the men.
A: Indeed! Women can go to school, go outsides to work with men in every industry and have their freedom to determine the marriage themselves, etc.
B: How wonderful! "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all people are created equal."

7What can people do on the Internet? What about you?
A: Do you know the "Jehad on June, 9th"?
B: Of course. It is so famous.
C: Reaslly, I've never heard of it. What's it?
A: Simply speaking, we chinese netizen exclaimed upon the events happened on May, 30 in World EXPO on the internet.
B: It's a kind of patriotism by means of internet, I think.
C: We can do lots of things on the internet, such as resourcing, playing games, chatting and now expressing our patriotism.
A: Regarding expressing the patriotim, I think I just did it on June 9, because i participated in that "Jehad"
B: Really? Great!

8What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life?
A: Some people are immersed in the Internet and live in a virtual life.
B: I really feel it. Some of my classmates spend their time in the net bar day and night and their study and life are ruined.
C: Terrible. How could it happen? In my opinion, we can do many good things, such as resourcing, making friends, entertainment on the internet. Proper virtual life can help us relieve our pressure in factual life.
A: It's correct. What you said is the positive side of a virtual life. But everything has two sides.
B: I agree. If we can't control ourselves effectively, we are inclined to immersed into the virtual life and couldn't help it. Then the positive will turn into negative.
C: I see. We should have self-controlling force and fresh mind.

9Do you give your trust in the net-friends? And why?
A: One of my classmate went to see his net friends and suffered a lot not long ago.
B: How could it happen? Net friends are only in the virtual life. They can't be trusted.
C: Everything has two sides. We should distinguish between virtual and factual world. We can chat with kind net-friends freely and some of them can give us some help and guidance. But not all of them are good persons.
A: I AGREE. We should keep a cautious attitude to protect ourselves form being hurt.
B: I did learn a lot and must go to tell sth to my classmates.
C: It's kind of you to do this.

10Besides hard working, are there other elements which are essential to success?
A: I just read some books about successful people these days.
B: Oh, what do you learn from them?
A: Failure is the mother of success.
C: HAHA! What else?
A: Hard working. Every success is from every effort.
B: Indeed. There is no talent to win success without effort.
C: Besides hard working, are there other elements which are essential to success?
A: Only hard working is not enough. Positive attitude without giving up, controlling ability to endure the loneliness and effective working method, etc add more possibility to success.
B: In a word, there's no occasional success on the earth.
C: It seems the truth.

11Why do people have pets? Do you want to keep a pet? If not, please state your reasons.
A: Lily just bought a cat pet yesterday.
B: I saw it. The cat is white in color and looks neat.
C: I am wondering why do people have pets nowadays.
B: It's a kind of entertainment, I think.
A: Additionally, after work we can take pets as our loyal friends and excellent audients, so we can tell sth unhappy or else to them, to relieve our life pressure and enjoy better life.
C: Then would you like to keep a pet?
A: Of course, i've talked with my husband to buy one these days. I like the persian cat.
B: My husband won't let me to have a pet because he think the pets have some diseases and verimins and are not healthy.
C: It's really a hard thing to make decision.

12For boys: Do you wish to marry a superwoman? Why or why not? / For girls: Do you think a good marriage is more important than a good career? Give your reasons.
A: Have you heard of it? John married last week. His wife is a kind of superwoman?
B: Superwoman?
C: Yes, I have heard of it. His wife is the boss of a trading company and performs excellently in making business.
B: Oh, Really? It's not the kind of women i love?
A: What kind of women do you want to marry?
C: I know him. He is a traditional man.
B: You are right. I like the woman of traditional chinese type. She should be tender, delicate and full-time housewife to look after the children and the family.
A: My god! It's the modern society. Your idea have to be adjusted.
C: Not really. Lots of Chinese men are agree with his opinion. I think i am one of them.
B: Yes. Everyone has its own likes and choice.
第1个回答  2010-06-16










12。男孩:你想嫁给一个非凡的女性? 为什么或为什么没有? /女孩的: 您是否是否是比好事业认为好婚姻重要? 给您的原因。
第2个回答  2010-06-16










12。男孩:你想嫁给一个女超人?为什么或为什么不? /对于女孩:你认为一个好的婚姻是一个多好的职业重要?给你的理由。

第3个回答  2010-06-16
1:1. What differences do you see between Chinese-style learning and American-style learning ?
A;Chinese-style learning is boring ,American-style learning is insteresting.
2;If you could become the richest person in China, what kind of life would you like to live?
A:A happy life with love.
3:. How do you learn at college? Are you employing new learning methods? If so, what are they? Please talk about the difference between the study at high school and at college.
A:find a funny way to study ,learn from life,That is all.difference between the study at high school and at college is spirts.
4:What would you do if you have different opinions from your parents?
A:Talk with them ,and then chooce the best opinions.
5. In your opinion, what causes the generation gap?
6:Do you think society still discriminates against women? Give facts to support your conclusion.
A:yes it is full of our life.the women in America is a dood example.
7. What can people do on the Internet? What about you?
A:Anyone.I am the free.
8. What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life?
A:Give up studying.
9:Do you give your trust in the net-friends? And why?
A:Yes,we do not know each other,ahd it helps us to show the trust to each other.
10 Besides hard working, are there other elements which are essential to success?
11. Why do people have pets? Do you want to keep a pet? If not, please state your reasons
A:yes ,they are our firends and never cheat on us.
12; For boys: Do you wish to marry a superwoman? Why or why not? / For girls: Do you think a good marriage is more important than a good career? Give your reasons

A:Feelings are important.