

About the first time experience

We have many times experiences in your life.
When you falled in love,when you was born in your first time you were crying,when you first time failed your exam.When I was the first time got the scholarship and so on.
The first time is an important experience.
The first time will help you know more.
第1个回答  2014-11-24
The First Cooking Last weekend, my parents went out and only I stayed at home. So I had to cook a meal for myself. First I washed the cabbages and then cooked it. But I didn't know how to cook them. I put too much salt into the cabbages. So they tasted too salty. I had to throw them away. But I didn't lose my heart. This weekend, I asked my mother to teach me how to cook. She taught me how much salt I should use. Wow, the cabbages tasted good. My mother praised me and I felt very happy. Now I know that if I try hard, I will succeed.本回答被网友采纳