英语每日演讲 daily talk 主题随意 单词越简单约好 越70-100词 谢谢!


Daily talk

Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好
Glad to see you. 很高兴见到你
Welcome to our class. 欢迎来我们班
How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. And you? I’m fine, too.
你好吗? 我很好. 谢谢. 你呢? 我也很好.
What day is it today? It’s Monday/….. 今天星期几? 今天星期一/..
What is the weather like today? It’s sunny/……
Goodbye! 再见!
See you tomorrow. 明天见
See you next week. 下星期见
See you later. 待会见
Say goodbye to your father/mother/grandfather/grandmother/uncle/aunt.
和你的爸爸/ 妈妈/ 爷爷(外公)/ 奶奶(外婆)叔叔/ 阿姨 说再见
Your father/mother/grandfather/grandmother/uncle/aunt is here to see you.你爸爸/ 妈妈/ 爷爷(外公)/ 奶奶(外婆)叔叔/ 阿姨来接你了
go to the toilet 上厕所
wash your hands 洗手
drink some water 喝水
put on your clothes/shoes 穿上衣服/ 鞋子
take off your clothes/shoes 脱衣服/鞋子
change your clothes/shoes 换衣服/鞋子
You put your shoes on the wrong feet. Change them back.
你把鞋子穿反了 把他们换过来
Don’t play water. 不要玩水
Turn on the tap. 打开水龙头
Turn off the tap. 关上水龙头
close your eyes and go to sleep 闭上眼睛睡觉
cover your quilt 盖好被子
fold your quilt 叠被子
Don’t roll over. 不翻来覆去
Don’t run. 不要跑
Button up. 扣好纽扣
Flip down your collar. 翻好衣领
Tuck your clothes into your pants. 把衣服束在裤子里
Roll up your sleeves. 卷起袖子
Tie your shoelaces. 绑好鞋带
Dry your hands. 擦干手
Wipe off your sweat. 擦干汗
Be careful while going upstairs/ downstairs. 上下楼梯时小心点
Don’t talk. 不要说话
Stop talking. 停止说话
Be quiet, please. 请安静
Pad the towel 垫毛巾
Let me comb your hair. 我来帮你梳头
Let me trim your nail. 我来帮你剪指甲
Please wake the child beside you. 请把你旁边的小朋友叫醒
Share with others. 和别人一起分享
Move the chairs gently. 轻轻搬动桌椅
Tuck your chair. 摆好椅子
Do you want to watch TV? 你想看电视吗?
Don’t sit close to the TV. 不要离电视太近
Do it by yourself. 你自己做
Don’t waste food. 不要浪费食物
It’s delicious. 真好吃
Please hold your bowl, take your spoon. 请端好碗,拿好汤匙
Don’t have rice down. 不要掉饭粒
Be careful. Don’t get hurt. 当心烫手
Eat up. 把东西吃完
Don’t put your finger in your mouth.
Don’t pull 不要拉
Don’t push. 不要推
Don’t chase. 不要追
Look at me. 看着我
Listen to me. 听我说
Read after me. 跟我读
Do it like this. 像这样做
Don’t cut in. 不要插嘴
Sit up nicely. 坐好
Hands up. 请举起手
Hands down. 把手放下
Loudly, please. 请大声点
Are you clear? 清楚了吗?
Can you hear? 听见了吗?
Again. 再试一次
Don’t be shy. Have a try. 不要害羞 试一下
Who wants to try? 谁想试一下
Who can help him/ her? 谁能帮他她
Have you finished? 你完成了吗?
Open your book on page one/two/….. 打开书本第一/…..页
Turn to page one/two/…. 翻到第一/…..页
Pass the book/….one by one. 一个一个传书/…..
Hand in, please. 请交上来
Slowly. Don’t fall down. 慢点 不要摔倒了
Mark time. 踏步
This toy is very fun. 这个玩具真好玩
Pick up the toys on the floor. 把地上的玩具捡起来
Put away the toys. 放好玩具
Count off. 报数
At ease. 稍息
Let’s go outside. This way, please. 我们去户外吧 请从这边走
Please go out and line up. 请到外面排好对
Line up one by one. 一个接一个排好队
Two by two and hand in hand. 两个手拉手
Turn left. 向左转
Turn right. 向右转
Turn about. 向后转
Turn around. 转一圈
squat down 蹲下
bend down 弯腰
Eyes front. 向前看
One step forward. 向前走一步
One step backward. 向后走一步
Have a good time!/ Have fun! 玩得开心点!
Let’s play basketball. 我们来打篮球
Let’s play on the slide. 我们来玩滑梯
Let’s play on the swing. 我们来荡秋千
Let’s play on the seesaw. 我们来玩跷跷板
Let’s play by turns. 我们轮流来玩
Don’t fight. 不要打架
Don’t be naughty. 不要调皮
Don’t litter. 不要乱扔垃圾
Don’t pick the flowers. 不要摘花
Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走
Don’t break the trees. 不要破坏树木
Make room. 拉开距离
Take good care of plants. 爱护花草树木
What’s the matter with you? 你哪里不舒服?
What ‘s wrong with you? 你怎么了?
I have a headache. 我头痛
I have a stomache. 我肚子痛
I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛
I have a cold. 我感冒了
I have a fever. 我发烧了
I have a cough. 我咳嗽
Please cover your mouth when you cough. 当你咳嗽的时候捂住嘴巴
Have a running nose. 流鼻涕
Drink more water. 喝多点水
Have a good rest. 好好休息
Come here and take some medicine. 过来吃药
How are you now? 现在感觉怎样了?
Do you feel better? 你好点了吗?
第1个回答  2014-11-03
第2个回答  2014-11-03






你觉得什么主题好写有什么主题有灵感就写什么 词语简单一点





第3个回答  2014-11-03
第4个回答  2014-11-03
and so on.