

    通过上下文的逻辑推理来判断生词的含义(1)Japan could save 2.1trillion yen of elderly
    insurance pay-ments in 2025 by using robots that monitor the health of
    older peo-ple, so they don’t have to rely on human nursing
    care.有上下文“日本可以节约2.1 万亿日元的养老保险费,所以他们不再依赖人类的护理”可知机器人可以监控老年人的健康,所以 monitor
    意思是 watch ove(r监测)。(2)Radiation in Tokyo has been negligible, briefly
    touchingthree times the normal rate Tuesday,smaller than a dental x-
    ray.通过上下文可知“辐射强度只是往常的三倍,比牙科 X 光的辐射还要弱”由此可判断 negligible 意为“微乎其微的”。(3)The
    family spends up to 20,000 yuan a month on dancetraining with a
    professional and outfits including tailor- made suits,hats and shirts.
    根据后面的解释 including tailor- made suits, hatsand
    her gragerious sister, Mary is a shy girl, who doesn’tlike to go to
    parties or to make new friends.“Unlike”是一个表示反义的信号词,表明 gragerious和 shy
    有相反的意思,所以推测出 gragerious的意思是“爱交际的”。(2)利用上下文中的近义词,同义词Nowadays we all drink
    pasteurized milk, that is, milk, whichclean and purified.根据后面定语从句对 milk
    的陈述,可知 pas-teurized词义相近与 clean and
    purified“纯的,消毒的”。3.利用已学词根在上下文中推断生词词义Her imprisionment opened the doors
    for our long journey tofreedom.有词根“prision 监狱”我们知道,在这里

