why do you like travel 大学英语作文


Nowadays traveling is a part of people's life. We all travel. The reason behind that is up to you. There are different reasons why people travel. Most People Travel because they want to see their families and friends who live far away. For me, I love traveling the world, I feel a rush of adventure and love meeting new people and I suppose I love getting to play the foreigner. I also like experiencing the new, new different things that you simply cannot get anywhere else. I want to learn others cultures. I want to see the difference between our culture and other cultures. I want to learn others culture because for me traveling is fun while learning. One particular thing about the culture is the food. I want to know how food is prepared and how it is done. Obviously, I love to eat.
The most important reason is that I want to see all beautiful scenery of different countries. I would like to take pictures because it serves as souvenirs.
Traveling is not only for rich people. Whether you are poor or in the middle class, you can travel as long as it fits your budget. Some travel for their goals, some travel for fun and relaxation and some travel for experience. Travel the world by viewing Traveling is Fun While Learning To get the cheapest hotels in the world, visit 'Traveling Is Fun While People travel because they want to see all beautiful scenery of different countries. Therefore if you have the opportunity, do not hesitate. Let us live an adventurous life of travel.
第1个回答  2023-06-08
Why Do I Like Travel
Traveling is a passion of mine for several reasons. Firstly, it allows me to explore new places and experience different cultures. I enjoy immersing myself in unfamiliar environments, trying new foods, and witnessing unique traditions. It broadens my horizons and enhances my understanding of the world.
Secondly, travel provides me with the opportunity to break away from my daily routine and escape the stresses of everyday life. It offers a chance for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-discovery. Whether it's hiking in the mountains or lounging on a beautiful beach, travel allows me to disconnect from the demands of work and responsibilities.
Moreover, travel ignites my sense of adventure and curiosity. It pushes me to step outside my comfort zone, face challenges, and embrace new experiences. Whether it's climbing a challenging peak or navigating through a bustling city, each journey presents a chance for personal growth and discovery.
Additionally, travel allows me to create lasting memories and build meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds. I have met incredible individuals during my travels who have enriched my life with their stories, perspectives, and kindness. These encounters have taught me valuable lessons and fostered a deeper appreciation for human connections.
In conclusion, I like travel because it offers me the opportunity to explore, relax, learn, and connect. It is a source of inspiration, growth, and joy in my life. Through travel, I am able to broaden my horizons, embrace new experiences, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
第2个回答  2023-06-08
Why Do You Like Travel?

Traveling is a popular activity for individuals of all ages. For me, I find traveling to be an exciting and fulfilling experience that allows me to gain new perspectives and learn about different cultures.

First of all, traveling offers a break from the usual routine of daily life. It provides a chance to escape from the stress of work or school and experience something different. When traveling, I feel a sense of freedom and adventure that I cannot find in my usual routine.

Secondly, traveling allows me to learn about other cultures. This helps to broaden my understanding of the world and to appreciate different ways of living. I have had the opportunity to taste new foods, learn about local traditions and customs, and immerse myself in the daily life of each place that I visit.

Lastly, traveling provides me with an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. On my travels, I have encountered many individuals from different walks of life, and it is fascinating to understand their unique perspectives on the world.

Overall, traveling is a great way to gain new experiences, escape daily routine, and expand one's horizons. I am grateful for the opportunity to travel and look forward to future adventures.