

第1个回答  2023-06-02

Sit down,please.Here is the menu.   请坐,给您菜单,先生。  

Can I take your order now?   现在可以请您。氛菜了吗? 

May I take your order?   可以请您点莱了吗? 

Are you ready to order?   可以请您点莱了吗? 

Are you ready to order or just a minute?   你们准备好了吗?还是要再等一会?   Service hours are:7:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. for breakfast.   (餐厅)供应时间是:早餐7点到9点。   

11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. for lunch.   午餐11点半到1点半。 

6:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. for dinner.   晚餐6点半到8点半。 

Fine .And the entree?   好的,那主菜呢?  

And what will you two gentlemen have?   你们两位先生要什么? 

How would you like your steak,rare,medium orwell-done?   牛排是要三分熟、五分熟还是熟透? 

How would you like your beef cut?   牛排要几分熟?  

Would you take beef steak or fish?   您要吃牛排还是鱼呢?   

Why don't you take chateaubriand steak?   为什么不要份特厚慢烤嫩牛排?



W:Menu,please.   请看菜单。  

G:Thank you.   谢谢

W:Would you take beef steak or fish?   你要吃牛排还是鱼呢?  

G:I would like to have the filet mignon and green salad.   我想吃腓力牛排和蔬菜沙拉。  

W:What about the other ladies and gentlemen?   其他女士和先生要吃什么呢?   G:Okay, we'll have the same menu.   好的,我们就吃同样的。 


W:Can I take your order,sir?   可以点菜了吗? 

G:Yes,we'll have one avocado and one prawn cocktailto start with,please.And to follow,one rump steakand one large burger.Don't forget I don't wantchips.   是的,我先要一个鳄梨和一杯对灯鸡尾酒,然后再要一份臀部牛排和一个大汉堡。请记得不要薯条。  

W:Oh,yes,no chips with the steak.How would youlike your steak,rare,medium or well-done?   好的,牛排不加薯条,牛排是要三分熟、五分熟还是熟透?   G:Rare,please.   三分熟。 

W:Anything else?   还要什么吗?  

G:Nothing else,thank you.   没了,谢谢。
