

Frech is one of the three well-known cuisine kingdom in the world. As a result, there are some tips we should keep in mind when having meal with French people.First and formost, it is rude to put your elbows on the dinner table, but you can put your hands on it. Besides, when you are eating, you should never hold your plate. Because that would show as if you are too hungry to eat up all the food on the plate.Another tip you should remenber is that French people are good at drinking wine, which is the necessity of a dinner. They devote particular care to matching different dishes with different kinds of wine. That is why wines are commonly more expensive than dishes at a normal banquet. You should neither complain how slow the dishes are served, nor keeping eating all the time without chatting with your neighbors. Remember that conversation is superior to anything else.作为举世皆知的世界三大烹饪王国之一,法国人十分讲究饮食。
1. 法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘支在桌子上。
2. 法国人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝,而且讲究在餐桌上要以不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴。一般来说,在法国人的餐桌上酒水贵于菜肴。而在正式的宴会上,则有“交谈重于一切”之说。这是因为法国人视宴请为交际场所,所以他们举行的宴会大都时间较长,在用餐时只吃不谈,是不礼貌的。还有人说,如果你在法国餐厅吃饭,千万别抱怨侍者上菜速度太慢——他们这样做完全是为了你和你朋友有足够的时间神聊。
第1个回答  2013-12-15
Eat meals in France there are many different places and China
Meal hands on his knees but can not be on the table
Eating with a fork instead of chopsticks
Bread can not be placed on a plate
French people eat their own dinner plates of
Will not give people something to eat老牛 采纳吧
第2个回答  2013-12-15