
1. 对自己高标准,严要求,尽职尽责。15-18分
2. 能按标准要求执行,无需过多督促。11-14分
3. 尚称负责,稍加督促即可,基本能对自己的行为负责。7-10分


1. Set a high standard and stern discipline for own self, a real sense of commitment to the job and conscientiously accomplishes it with the fullest responsibility.

2. Able to execute tasks in accordance with standard requirements without much supervision.

3. Moderately conscientious, just needs a little prodding; by and large, able to be accountable for own actions.

第1个回答  2010-07-14
1 to yourself, conscientious, applying high.
2.do everything without excessive executive and according to the standard requirement,
3 be responsible, can urge to be accountable for their actions.
第2个回答  2010-07-14
1. Set high demands on oneself with stricty self-discipline, and fulfill own responsibilities. 15-18 scores

2. Implement in full line with the standards and requirements, without need of being supervised excessively. 11-14 scores

3. Fairly responsible for own activities under a little of supervision. 7-10 scores
第3个回答  2010-07-16
1. Demand high standards self-discipline, conscientious as well as dutiful. 15-18 points

2. Capable to implement according to the regulations without excessive supervision; 11-14 points

3. With basic responsibility, sometimes need to be urged and accountable for own actions. 7-10 points


第4个回答  2010-07-18
1. To the high standard, the strict request, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility. 15-18 points;
2. Can according to the standard request execution, not need excessively to supervise. 11-14 points;
3. Shang Cheng was responsible, supervised slightly then, basic could be responsible for own behavior. 7-10 points.
第5个回答  2010-07-20
楼下那两个有XXX会员的可选...jojo sarah的前两条还可以,第三条嘛...