i have the same dream as you还是i have the same dream with you .

as with 的用法有什么区别

i have the same dream as you

首先请你看一句话: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny. 这句话换个方式也可以这样说:
Linda isn't the same height as Jenny. 现在我们用这两种说法把珍妮和琳达两个
姐妹作个比较. 在下面这组练习里有几个字你可能不太熟, 比方 "女用手提包"
purse 和 "女衬衫" blouse. 这些字等一会儿我们还会重复练习. 现在我们开始
作语法练习. 请你注意听.
M: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny.
F: Linda isn't the same height as Jenny.
M: Linda isn't as old as Jenny.
F: Linda isn't the same age as Jenny.
M: Linda's swimming suit isn't as expensive as Jenny's.
F: Linda's swimming suit isn't the same price as Jenny's.
M: Linda's hair isn't as brown as Jenny's.
F: Linda's hair isn't the same color as Jenny's.
M: Linda's skirt isn't as long as Jenny's.
F: Linda's skirt isn't the same length as Jenny's.
M: Linda's purse isn't as formal as Jenny's.
F: Linda's purse isn't the same style as Jenny's.
M: Linda's blouse isn't as big as Jenny's
F: Linda's blouse isn't the same size as Jenny's.

现在我们来作代换练习. 老师先说一句话: This dress is the same length as that
one. "这件连衣裙的长度跟那件一样". 接着老师给你一个字: style,你就把句子
改成: This dress is the same style as that one.老师也可能给你另外一个东西的
名称, 比方: "外套" coat, 那么你就应该把句子改成: This coat is the same length
as that one. 好, 现在我们开始作练习.请你斟酌情况看看应该代换哪个字.每作
完一句,你就跟老师念的正确答案比较一下, 看你作对了没有.
M: This dress is the same length as that one.
M: style
F: This dress is the same style as that one.
M: purse
F: This purse is the same style as that one.
M: color
F: This purse is the same color as that one.
M: skirt
F: This skirt is the same color as that one.
M: price
F: This skirt is the same price as that one.
M: blouse
F: This blouse is the same price as that one.
M: size
F: This blouse is the same size as that one.
M: coat
F: This coat is the same size as that one.
M: length
F: This coat is the same length as that one.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 练习的内容还是提到百货商店里卖的东西, 比方
"一双短袜" a pair of socks, "一双女人穿的长袜子" a pair of stockings, "一条牛
仔裤" a pair of jeans, "一双靴子" a pair of boots 等等. 练习的作法是由老师提出
一个问题, 比方: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair? 接着老师说:
dark, 学生就用这个形容词的比较级作否定的答覆, 所以答案就是: No, this pair
of socks is darker than that pair. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生回答问题
M: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair?
M: dark
F: No, this pair of socks is darker than that pair.
M: Is this pair of stockings the same length as that pair?
M: short
F: No, this pair of stockings is shorter than that pair.
M: Is this pair of boots the same price as that pair?
M: expensive
F: No, this pair of boots is more expensive than that pair.
M: Is this pair of pants the same size as that pair?
M: small
F: No, this pair of pants is smaller than that pair.
M: Is this pair of gloves the same style as that pair?
M: formal
F: No, this pair of gloves is more formal than that pair.
M: Is this pair of glasses the same price as that pair?
M: cheap
F: No, this pair of glasses is cheaper than that pair.
M: Is this pair of jeans the same length as that pair?
M: long
F: No, this pair of jeans is longer than that pair.
第1个回答  2006-06-10
是 I have the same dream as you.
当表示“和...一样”时,the same +名词+as,这是固定搭配,介词就用as,所以在这句话里,主要不是as和with的用法或意思的区别,而是固定搭配问题
第2个回答  2006-06-10
I have the same dream as yours. 我和你做同样的梦。

as 表示“一样”的意思
with 是“和...一起“

I dream with you.本回答被提问者采纳