
参考资料:100字左右 ,百分之80同学赞同,可以,强健体魄,增进友谊,学会守时,有利学习等…百分之28同学反对,原因…枯燥无味,浪费时间……
参考词:军训 military training ,守时 punctual

After the research on the opinions towards military training has been done, it shows that 80% of the students agree to have military training while the remaining 20% disagrees. The students who agreed to have military training think that this training is good for physical conditions; friendships; school tasks; being punctual; and many other reasons. The reasons which the students used to disagree with having military training include that the training is boring and time consuming. According to this result, it is suggested to keep military training as students' entry training.
