



The students came early this morning without being late, and the cleaning group cleaned thoroughly. 

In the first few classes this morning, the students actively answered the questions raised by the teacher without dozing, but there was a little noise and dozing in the second few classes this afternoon. It's clean and hygienic tonight. 

Generally speaking, everything is good today. I suggest that students rest early in the evening, don't study too late, and ensure the quality of class the next day.


第1个回答  2014-11-06
大家早上好 Everyone is early best 天气晴朗,很凉爽,适合运动 Clear weather, very cool, suit sport 今天是我做值日报告 Today is I do an on duty for the day report 我今天给大家讲一个笑话Today I tell a joke for you(可能有其他的翻译) 初中的时候迷武侠小说,上课的时候都在看一次上课看金庸《天龙八部》的时候被老师发现了,没收,然后大吼:把其它七本给我交出来The novel about swordsmen fan of junior high school of time, the class is a class in looking at jin yong \"tian long ba bu\" when discovered by the teacher, confiscated, then roar loud: give me the other seven 谢谢大家Thank you all.本回答被提问者采纳