
一、用所给出的词语或提示要求,将下列句子翻译成英文 1. 请帮助那些需要帮助的人。(in need) 2. 请谈下你想参加哪些志愿者活动。(voluntary activity) 3. 请给你的班主任写一封信请他批准你们发起募捐。(ask permission to) 4. 我教残疾儿童唱歌。(teach sb to do sth) 5. 三个青少年在学校放假期间主动提出要做一些志愿者工作。(offered to do) 6. 那里的孩子都患有严重的疾病。(suffer from) 7. 辛迪想给她家附近的公园画一幅画。(wanted to do) 8. 我们教他们讲故事。(teach sb to do sth) 9. 这样有助于他们表达自己的感情。(help sb do sth) 10. 我们陪伴一个叫维文的女孩度过一度时间,(spend time with sb) 11. 他们走路或移动非常困难。(have difficulty doing sth) 12. 我们需要帮助像吉姆这样的儿童并且使他们鼓起勇气。(raise one’s spirits) 13. 如果你生病了,那么你就是一个健康状况很差的人。(have a illness) 14. 一个有勇气的人通常是不会害怕一些危险或困难的事情的。(not afraid of) 15. 琼暑假想做一些志愿者的工作,所以他主动提出在一家当地医院帮忙。(offer to) 16. 琼给她读新闻和有趣的故事这样她就不会感到孤独。(feel lonely) 17. 维文的父母在一场车祸中去世所以他很不开心感到很孤独。(unhappy) 18. 安妮想帮助残疾儿童。(disabled) 19. 你知道怎样帮助残疾儿童吗?(Do you know how to) 20. 我们想让他们开心。(want sb to do sth) 21. 医生不让我出去。(let sb do sth) 22. 你想让我为你拍张那个公园的照片吗?(take photos of) 23. 那我下周把照片给你带来然后教你画画。(teach sb to do) 24. 他们去医院帮助那些生病的儿童。(目的状语从句to do sth) 25. 你和你的同学们正计划着发起一场募集善款的活动,以帮助那些需要帮助的孩子。(plan ,目的状语从句to do) 26. 为给那些需要帮助的孩子们筹集善款,我们打算做一场宣讲以呼吁号召每个人。(in order to) 27. 从那以后,这个工程帮助了数以百万的女孩重返校园。(return to) 28. 他们中有30人决定捐款给这些生病的孩子。(decide to) 29. 有26个学生打算收集软塑料瓶,然后卖掉这些瓶子。(plan to ) 30. 这些有助于他们得到恰当的食物,清洁水和健康的食物供应。(help sb do)

1.please heip these who are in need.
2.please talk about which voluntary activity you want to join
3.please write a letter to your teacher that
4.I teach disable children to sing
5.Three teens offered to do some vunlantary work in vacation
6.The children of that place suffer from serious disease
7.SD would like to picture for her house nearby park
8.We teach them to tell a story
9.This helps them express their feelings
10.We spend time with a girl named WW
11.They have difficlity in walking or moving.
12.We need to help those kids like JM and raise their spirits
13.If you have aillness,you are a bad healthy man
14.A brave man usually dont afraid of something dangerous or difficut
15.Q suppose to do voluntary work,so she offer to work in a local hospital
16.Q tell him news and interesting stories,he will not feel lonely
17.W'parents passed away in a car accident,so he are unhappy and feel lonely
18.A want to provide help for disable children
19.Do you know how to help disable kids
20.We want to please them
21.The doctor does't let me go out
22.Do you want me to take photos of that park?
23.I take those photos next weekend,then teach you draw.
24.They go to the hospital to help disable children
25.You are planning to launch an donationactivity to help those kids who are in need
26.Io order to raise money for poor children,we plan to do a preach to appeal everyone
27.From then on,this engineering help millions of girls return to school
28.30 of them decide to contribute money for sick kids
29.26 students plan collect plastic bottles and sell
30.It is helpfui for them to get appropriate food,clean water,healthy food