
汉语是: 亲爱的杜老师: 您好!! 这封信里的内容就是我5月4日一天做了什么的情况: 早上,我背着书包来到学校上学。第一堂课是语文课,我们学习了最后一篇课文,课文名字叫:明天,我们毕业!第二节课是美术课。美术课上完了紧接着是体育课,体育课我们考了实心球,我考的一般。体育课过了就是您教的英语课,英语课是我最喜欢的,而且我觉得您教得很好,我很喜欢上你的英语课,上您的英语课可以使我对一个单词记得更牢固,因为我很喜欢你的教学方法,就是先教大家一段,然后又抽我们来答。 下午,又有一节体育课,但我们都在玩耍。还有一节数学课和语文课。放学之后我们就高高兴兴的回家了!! 我很喜欢您!!!我希望永远都是您教我英语!!!

Dear du, his: Hello!!!!!!!!!! This letter is my content of May 4 day doing something: In the morning, I carry bag to school. The first lesson is Chinese, we learned last text, the text name: tomorrow we graduated! The second lesson is art. Art had followed by physical education, physical education, we got the general test proves that I. The PE teaching English class is your English class is my favorite, and I think you teach well, I really like your English class, you can make me English lessons for a words to remember more firmly, because I really like your teaching method, is the first teach everyone a smoke, then we answer. In the afternoon, and one day, but we are in the gym. Have a math class, and language. After school we happily go home!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are never teach me English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
