英语作文my school sport day初二水平60词,要求写具体的一件事或一个场景


Last October, my school Sport Day was held in a public stadium. In the opening ceremony, the principal gave us a speech in order to encourage the athletes do their best.

There are many sporting activities like track sports and field sport included throwing the javelin and the discus. There were four groups of girls. They cheered the athletes during the race.

Winnie was a Form 4 student. She usually gets gook results in the 200-metre race. This time, she joined the 200-metre race. She squatted down beside the start line. The starter signaled the competitors start running. In the beginning, Winnie was slower than others. She tried to run hardest. Then the special effort came out. Winnie came first. She won the race. The award was a gold medal. The principal gave her the gold medal in the prize-giving ceremony.

I enjoyed the day. I will consider joining the race next year.
