

My winter holiday is gonna have an end~Nobody knows clearer than me on what this is suppose to mean.... Well,going back to school means i cant touch my lovely laptop anymore,cause i am not gonna take it with me to school,i still think it is not safe enough,not to mention that last term several laptops and mp3s had been stolen,i love my laptop,so i am not gonna take it to school ..... Going back to school still means i cant see my mum so often,but on the plus side, at least i can have a phone to home every weekend,that's pretty enough,actually sometimes mum and i could even chat for about 2 hours on the phone,we really have an endless talk! sometimes dad jokes:"hey,guys,who is gonna pay the telephone fee?"huh,we just laugh! frankly speaking ,i think the best word to capture the relationship between me and me parents is harmony,and we really are having a fantastic time,dad is not my dad something,i mean i treat him more like my friend,dont to confused~you know i love my parents!especially my mum,i mean,she has really devoted a lot to me and my education,i think it would hurt to say she is one of the greatest mum in this whole world~i am not exaggerating at all~and all they want of me is just my greatness,or rather ,they just want me not to starve in the future when i have become a social animal,they just hope i'll have a good command of some skill which will help to put the food on the table~ Going back to school also means i cant enjoy mum's delicious food but the junk-like food in the school dining hall~gosh,,back in school, the food is utterly aweful,it is AWEFUL,man! i think i am gonna be slow-witted with these kind of disgusting stuff~~~~oh,man!!i am gonna be missing the taste of mum's dishes~ But on the plus side,going back to school means i'll have the chanceto meet my classmates again as well,who is actually an indispensable part in my life! to be honest, i am looking forward that time coming~ Back to school ,we are gonna be having an english listening test which will actually divide we fellows into different levels,the top-leveled student will be studying together.and so on......i think it is crule,or even not fair to divide us into different level,there is sort of discrimination in it~but i am not the boss,thus i can do nothing but follow the authorities~~~~opoos,this sucks,ye know!now panic is slightly setting in,i havent even prepared for it,i have wasted all the winter holiday,during which i have been doing only two things:sleeping and sitting in front of the computer~God,what am i gonna do?I had better begin right now or else the exam is gonna be a catastrophe! listen,listen,listen,........i think this is the only way~~=_=!!After writing this blog ,i am gonna be horning my listening skills..........i promise....See u guys at school~my friends~
第1个回答  2013-11-08
Frankly speaking, the relationship between man and our nature is like a cycle, Nature mother provide everything we need and we then give somthing back to her so she can recycle the energy and reproduce somthing we need in future.

However man didn't treat our nature mother like what we needed to be, we always too greedy on asking the favor from our nature mother till the very last drop of her blood, we try to conquer all difficulties that she created to protect herself, foreast; ocean and river, and suddenly we see that people are dying because of the cancer, we can not breath in the city and died pigs made our water undrinkable!

What can we do and how can we do to pass a clean and healthy environment to our next generation? we should do it from now, to be a environmental friendly person!本回答被提问者采纳