

希尔瓦娜丝.追风者(Sylvanas Windrunner)当然windrunner是追风者,如果是黑暗游侠自然变成Dark Ranger 以下称号同上简略~ 格罗姆.地狱咆哮(Gromm Hellscream) 泰兰德.语风(Tyrande Whisperwind) 安东尼达斯(Antonidas) 乌瑟尔.光明使者(Uther Lightbringer) 穆拉丁.铜须(Muradin Bronzebeard) 凯尔萨斯(Crthas) 瓦瑞玛萨斯(Varimathras) CR是暴雪公司设定的人物挑战等级! 凡人英雄级-- Cairne Bloodhoof (凯恩血蹄)- CR 22 Muradin Bronzebeard(穆拉丁铜须) - CR 15 Orgrim Doomhammer(奥格瑞马毁灭之锤) - CR 27 Grom Hellscream(格罗姆地狱咆哮) - CR 22 Khadgar (卡德加)- CR 22 Krasus(卡拉瑟斯?) - CR 21 Sir Anduin Lothar (安杜因洛萨)- CR 25 Jaina Proudmoore (吉安娜普罗德摩尔)- CR 17 Rhonin (罗宁)- CR 17 Maiev Shadowsong (玛维影歌)- CR 22 Malfurion Stormrage, Archdruid, Lord of the Night Elves (玛法里奥怒风,大德鲁伊 ,NE的首领)- CR 38 Gul'dan (古尔丹)- 35 Thrall, Warchief of the Horde (萨尔,部落的酋长)- CR 28 Uther the Lightbringer (光明使者乌瑟尔)- CR 23 Tyrande Whisperwind, Priestess of Elune (泰兰德语风,艾露恩的高阶祭司)- CR 25 Alleria Windrunner (艾蕾瑞亚风行者,恩 一个游侠将军..)- CR 21 半神英雄级 Medivh, Guardian of Tirisfal (麦迪文,提瑞斯法的守护者)- CR 43 Archimonde the Defiler (污染者阿克蒙德)- CR 50 Kil'jaeden the Deceiver (欺诈者基尔加丹)- CR 59 Mannoroth the Destructor (破坏者玛诺洛斯)- CR 45 Tichondrius the Darkener (黑暗魔王提克迪奥斯)- CR 44 Agamaggan (阿迦玛甘...我也不知道这家伙怎么这么厉害)- CR 54 Aviana (这人我不认得)- CR 44 Queen Azshara (艾萨拉女王)- CR 52 Cenarius (塞纳留斯 这个猪头居然败给了CR值只有他一半的hellscream)- CR 44 Malorne (玛洛恩,查了资料据说是塞纳留斯他老爹,我感觉在半人马的什么地方听到过这个名字)- CR 62 Ursoc (上古巨熊兄弟之乌尔索克)- CR 52 Ursol (上古巨熊兄弟之乌尔索鲁)- CR 52 Lord Xavius (不认得,据说原是NE,被萨格拉斯复活后成为萨特老祖宗)- CR 42 Alexstrasza the life-binder (生命赋予者阿莱克斯塔萨)- CR 30 Malygos the Spell-weaver (织法者玛利苟斯)- CR 32 Neltharion the Earth-warder (Deathwing) (大地漫游者耐萨里奥(死亡之翼))- CR 34 Nozdormu the Timeless (时间的主宰者诺兹多姆)- CR 30 Ysera the Dreamer (梦境守护者伊瑟拉)- cR 32 Al'Akir the Windlord (驭风者奥拉基尔)- CR 35 Neptulon the Tidehunter (猎潮者耐普图隆)- CR 50 Ragnaros the Firelord (炎魔拉格纳罗斯)- CR 40 Therazane the Stonehmother (石母瑟拉塞恩)- CR 45 然后Titan一族 Aesir (Titan Race)(泰坦族Aesir) - CR 30 Vanir (Titan Race) (泰坦族Vanir 北欧神话中出现过的2个神...怎么那么弱)- CR 28 神英雄级 Elune, Goddess of the Moon (月神艾露恩 ......)- CR 93 Aggramar the Avenger (复仇者阿格拉玛)- CR 71 Aman'Thul the High Father (众神之父阿曼瑟尔)- CR 77 Eonar the Lifebinder (生命赋予者艾欧娜)- CR 70 Golganneth the Thunderer (怒喝者戈尔甘尼斯)- CR 73 Khaz'goroth the Shaper (赋形者卡兹格罗斯)- CR 65 Norgannon the Dreamweaver (织梦者诺甘农 那个捏泥人捏出石腭怪的家伙...)- CR 74