各国名胜古迹 英语

比如自由女神像的英语 凯旋门的英语 富士山的英语等等

the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)
triumphal arch( 凯旋门)
Fuji( 富士山)
the Great Wall(长城)
Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)
Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)
pyramid (金字塔)
第1个回答  2009-02-13
回答者: zxddsr - 一代宗师 十五级 2-12 21:06
纽约时报广场Times Square and Madison Square Garden (MSG)
布朗克斯动物园The Bronx Zoo
BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music
Canal Street
纽约中央公园Central Park
哥伦比亚大学在116街(Columbia University at 116th Street)
乔治华盛顿桥George Washington Bridge
Grand Central Station on 42nd Street
东村(East Village)
西村(West Village)
哈林在北曼哈顿(Harlem in North Manhattan)
纽约草莓场地(Strawberry Fields in Central Park near The Dakota
帝国大厦(The Empire State Building)
纽约公共图书馆(The New York Public Library on 42nd Street)
纽约大学区和华盛顿广场公园(New York University Area and Washington Square Park)
NOHO (Area North of Houston)
SOHO (Area South of Houston)
西班牙的哈林 (Spanish Harlem)
斯泰滕岛渡轮(The Staten Island Ferry)
Tompkins Square Park
Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal)
荷兰隧道(Holland Tunnel)
林肯隧道(Lincoln Tunnel)
联合国大楼 (The United Nations)
上西城Upper West Side
上东城Upper East Side
华尔街- zh-ch:道琼斯指数;zh-tw:道琼指数|NASDAQ (Wall Street)
Whitestone-Flushing, Queens (Koreatown and Chinatown)
自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

莫斯科 :
莫斯科的红场Red plaza

悉尼歌剧院Sydney opern
港口大桥port bridge
岩石区rock surname
环形码头annular wharf
麦觉里广场machily square
情人港lover harbour
美术馆art museum
回答者: 鸣人112 - 初入江湖 二级 2-12 21:08
the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)
triumphal arch( 凯旋门)
Fuji( 富士山)
the Great Wall(长城)
Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)
Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)
第2个回答  2009-02-12
纽约时报广场Times Square and Madison Square Garden (MSG)
布朗克斯动物园The Bronx Zoo
BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music
Canal Street
纽约中央公园Central Park
哥伦比亚大学在116街(Columbia University at 116th Street)
乔治华盛顿桥George Washington Bridge
Grand Central Station on 42nd Street
东村(East Village)
西村(West Village)
哈林在北曼哈顿(Harlem in North Manhattan)
纽约草莓场地(Strawberry Fields in Central Park near The Dakota
帝国大厦(The Empire State Building)
纽约公共图书馆(The New York Public Library on 42nd Street)
纽约大学区和华盛顿广场公园(New York University Area and Washington Square Park)
NOHO (Area North of Houston)
SOHO (Area South of Houston)
西班牙的哈林 (Spanish Harlem)
斯泰滕岛渡轮(The Staten Island Ferry)
Tompkins Square Park
Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal)
荷兰隧道(Holland Tunnel)
林肯隧道(Lincoln Tunnel)
联合国大楼 (The United Nations)
上西城Upper West Side
上东城Upper East Side
华尔街- zh-ch:道琼斯指数;zh-tw:道琼指数|NASDAQ (Wall Street)
Whitestone-Flushing, Queens (Koreatown and Chinatown)
自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

莫斯科 :
莫斯科的红场Red plaza

悉尼歌剧院Sydney opern
港口大桥port bridge
岩石区rock surname
环形码头annular wharf
麦觉里广场machily square
情人港lover harbour
美术馆art museum
第3个回答  2009-02-12