

Guanghan City Sanxingdui ruins of ancient Shu is one of the capital, 70 years, where archaeologists have been exploring the ancient Shu culture important goals. 1986 7 ~ September two large burial pits of the Shang Dynasty found that two pit thousands of precious relics available Shu, China became a sensation, shocking the world. According to scholars, the two large sacrificial pits of artifacts, most of them are ancient Shu King room Jongmyo weighing equipment, the change may be encountered, the new dynasty of the former royal temple on behalf of all weighing equipment burned in the sacrificial ceremony was held after the buried into the pit.

In Sanxingdui burial pits unearthed thousands of bronze, gold ornaments, jade, the most the most important characteristics of the three or four hundred pieces of bronze. Among them, the One pit was excavated from the type of bronze portrait, face like a human mask,跪坐portraits, the dragon-shaped ornaments, Liuzhou cylindrical, and a tiger-shaped, and Ge, Wan, Qi-shaped side孔璧, Longhu respect, sheep statue, complete, cover, disk and so on. On the 2nd hole excavated by a large-scale bronze legislation Bronze Portrait, Portrait跪坐, human head, human masks, animal masks,兽面, altars, sacred tree, the sun-shaped device, eye shape, and眼泡, bells, copper ornaments Cu Ge, copper Qi-shaped side孔璧, birds, snakes, chickens, monster, water Tau, deer, catfish, etc..

The shape of tall, form a vivid, complex structure is an important feature of Sanxingdui bronzes. Sacrificial pit excavated on the 2nd Legislative Portrait of up to 2.62 meters, 180 kilograms兽面Portrait wearing GAO Guan-shaped, dressed in clothes three, the most outer layer of clothing similar to "coat" ping lift arms, two hands were holding objects sacrifice-shaped (Figure 31). This tall bronze in the Shang Dynasty bronze civilization is unique. Excavated a large pit with animal mask 138 centimeters wide and weighing more than eighty kilograms, shape of extreme exaggeration, a square face look people seem inhuman, it seems beast beast, Square-shaped high-rise big ears, long eyeball protruding outward, and its face very hideous, grotesque, bronze is the best art.Bronze God tree height 384 centimeters, nine trees, bird habitats Legislative branches, sticks down under the hook fruit, stem next to one Liuzhou assistance under the tree, very vivid, mysterious, on which the image of the ancient myth Fusang specifically reflected a.

Sanxingdui bronzes to a large number of figures, birds, wild animals,虫蛇, plant to its characteristic shape. Bronze heads, like face masks and human sacrifices on behalf of the ancestors of the gods; bronze portrait and the legislature on behalf of Portrait跪坐prayer ritual and presided over the worship of the people; eyes protruding forward bronze animal masks and flat bronze Shu People兽面such as may be the natural worship of God only; to imitation plants for modeling the characteristics of bronze sacred tree, then a reflection of the religious worship of Shu People plant consciousness. To ancestor worship and the animals, plants and other natural gods worship as the main body of religious ideas, this is the most important of the spiritual world of the early Shu People.

These two pits excavated bronzes, with the exception of the Shang bronze vessel with the Central Plains culture and middle reaches of Yangtze River region style bronze culture, the other types and shapes of objects have a very strong local characteristics, they unearthed the first time, show the world the Shang Dynasty middle and late Bronze Shu highly developed civilization and a unique look.

It is worth noting: In Sanxingdui archaeological finds, the performance were "eyes" not only the large number of relics, and these precious cultural relics in itself, unusual, such as a big mask, eyeball extremely exaggerated pupil呈圆cylindrical forward part of prominent, up to 16.5 centimeters. Also this piece of copper sudden head mask, eyes prominent cylindrical 9 centimeters long. In addition, there are dozens of "eye-shaped copper ornaments", including the diamond-shaped, hook-shaped cloud, round ten in various forms, such as bubble-shaped, surrounding both mortise holes, can be assembled or separate hoisted, Bong-ju, showing the eye-specific attention.

ancient Shu people worship their ancestors. Mentioned earlier, "Huayangosaurus Guozhi" records: "Shu Hou Cong silkworm, the head vertical, before crown", its tombs known as the "纵目mass graves." According to scholars, the so-called "纵目", which means that copper mask of the cylindrical protruding eyes, sudden head Sanxingdui unearthed copper masks and so on, is the ancient statues of蜀王silkworm Cong.

According to historical records, the original蜀王silkworm Cong Minshan living in the upper reaches of the northwest Sichuan Munsan County. This place "there is alkali stone, of a salt pan-fried. Land just brine, not grains." Until modern times, this place still is a serious iodine deficiency, hyperthyroidism disease endemic areas.We know that hyperthyroidism in patients with an important feature is the protruding eye. Therefore, silkworm蜀王plexus is likely to be a serious hyperthyroidism patients, particularly his eyes bulge. And his descendants in silkworm Cong shaped statues, the grasp of the characteristics and further "deification", which is蜀王silkworm Cong statue was portrayed as "纵目" reasons

With the advances in modern business, Sanxingdui Museum of simulation arts and crafts near everything.
