

You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.____
friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____
When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____
greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____
all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____
to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____
another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____
you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____
that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____
you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____

答案:You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.__for去掉__
friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____ really
When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ to smile
greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ others
all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ takes
to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ 正确
another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ speak
you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ activities
that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____ these
you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____that-what

People faint when the normal blood supply 1_____
to the brain suddenly cut down.This 2_____
can happen if they are surprising by sudden 3_____
news or by something they see it.If 4_____
a person faints while standing,lie him 5_____
down.If his face was pale,lift his 6_____
feet.If he's sitting down while he 7_____
faints,place her head between his 8_____
knees.Untie any tight clothing that might stop him breathe
Place a 9_____
cold ,wet cloth on his forehead if possibly. 10____

People faint when the normal blood SUPPLIED

to the brain suddenly cut down.This (正确)

can happen if they are SURPRISED by sudden

news or by something they see.If (去掉it)
(定语从句,原为something that they see,省略了see的宾语that)

a person faints while standing,LAY him

down.If his face IS pale,lift his

feet.If he's sitting while he (去掉down)
(sit down,“坐下”,是短暂动作;sit,“坐着”,是状态)

faints,place HIS head between his

knees.Untie any tight clothing that might stop him BREATHING castly. Place a
(动词短语:stop sb. (from) doing sth.,“阻止某人做某事”)

cold ,wet cloth on his forehead if POSSIBLE.
(固定短语:if possible,原为:if it is possible,系动词is后应用形容词,不可以用副词possibly)
