
1.The water will be further polluted unless some_______(采取措施).(take)

2. Americans eat______(两倍多)vegetables per person taday as they did in 1910.(many)

3.The phones________(被用作)cameras and radios nowadays.(use)

4.We hoped that one day these milu deer_______(会被释放)and live in the wild again.

5.Professor Li,______(献身于保护)animals,gave a talk to college students in Beijing.(devote)

6.The story is so interesing_____(我忍不住笑).(keep)

7.He has been very ill,and the doctor says that he_____(有失去生命的危险)his life.(danger)

8.The teacher told us that_____(水沸腾)at 100℃.(boil)

9.Rainforests_______(正在被砍伐)and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they could well disappear from the earth's surface before the year 2050.(cut)

10.______(万一发生火灾),please phone the police.(case)

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