一篇关于回忆初中生活的英语作文 90字左右


Today is Wednesday. About 150 students and teachers of Grade 9 went to visit Shanghai Museum. At first, we visited some potteries on the first floor. They were both colorful and beautiful. Some were big , others were extremely small. We took a lot of photos there. Then we went to see some Chinese calligraphy. There were a lot of writings of all dynasties. They were so good that we were interested in them and also took photos. Finally, we left with pleasure. What a nice day it is!
第1个回答  2013-05-19
让心底盛开一朵花 让心底盛开一朵花,那朵叫做坚持 的花,那么即使风再高浪再 肠。半生苦恨,为的是... 大,心 中也不会害怕。因此,要做与滔天 巨浪博斗的勇士,就让心底盛开一 朵坚持之花。 心底有了坚持,那笨拙的帆船始终 迎着苦涩的海风向胜利的彼岸驶 航;心底有了坚持,那虬老的古藤 始终坚挺腰杆为紫藤萝撑起攀援的 空间;心底有了坚持,屈子虽遭九 死其犹未悔,毅然屹立成一座灵魂 的高山;心底有了坚持,苏武丁年 出使皓首而归,坚守精忠于心间。 心底始终有坚持,那桀骜不驯的花 朵才始终如梅花般屹立于冰天雪地 之中,如菊花般傲然于萧瑟秋风之 中,更如荷花般昂首挺立于淤泥之 中。让心底花开不败,让芳芬远播 四方。 花影斑驳,隐藏了多少久藏的春 梦;桂影如水,惊醒了那幅绝世的 容颜。都说红颜空自许,但当那沉 鱼落雁的绝代风华肩负起汉匈和睦 的使命时,谁又能说她不是一位英 雄?昭君出塞,伴着那经久不衰的 驼铃阵阵,奔走跋涉于茫茫大漠。 她不畏大漠中的风沙,是因为她有 盛开的心灵之花。她傲世,如菊花 般孤傲;她微笑,如海棠般娇羞。 她在史册中占有一席之地,是因为 她心存国家社稷。是坚持,让一个 柔弱女子于荒漠之中泰然,化为一 片精神的绿洲;是坚持,让一个平 凡女子于风沙中傲立,化为一片歌 舞升平的详和。昭君的坚持,使她 永垂不朽;昭君的坚持,令她恩泽 后世。 就一片月光,再回首史家之绝唱。 蚕食孤冷,世人多谤。耻辱的日子 里,黑暗仿佛是司马迁唯一的伴 让后世同望的眼神不再迷茫,让清 香的史册播洒芬芳。他用小小的毛 笔黯淡了宫廷的耻辱,他用不屈的 脊梁托起腐朽的朝堂,他用恢宏的 史册再现历史的沧桑。笔峰化山, 脊梁为岳,他心中的花朵盛开依 旧。是坚持化作了动力,驱走了他 的一切无奈与彷徨;是坚持作了支 撑,使他在无尽的史实中徜徉。 昭君心中的花朵是坚毅的,司马迁 心中的花朵是坚忍的,而它们却是 异曲同工,共同造就了一个个神奇 与伟绩,坚守自己的心灵之花,不 管是在困境中还是挫折中,只要花 开不败,心中那昂扬的姿态,总会 带动我们的斗志,去展望新的成 功,新的未来--只要我们花开不败。 面对滔天巨浪,要做真正的勇士, 去坚持,去奋斗吧!让心灵之花永 远怒放! 侣;而明月,仿佛是他唯一的衷
第2个回答  2015-09-17
I have studied in my middle school for three years. I have learned a lot. I have learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others. I have many hobbies. I like sports. I often play basketball,football and volleyball with my friends. Football is my favorite. Of all my subjects,I do best in English and Chinese. But my math and physics are a little weak. I think I will try my best to learn them well. I hope I can study in No.1 High School。

I began school at seven in accordance with the law in a remote village. Short of funds, the school had only a few classrooms, all poorly constructed. Needless to say, our teachers were few, too. As a pupil I preferred the playground to the classroom and often liked to play tricks on girls, as by hiding insects in their desk drawers.
On one occasion, I even grimaced behind the back of our teacher, causing the whole class to break into laughter; however, instead of becoming angry, he merely asked why we were laughing and wondered whether there was anything wrong with him. On another occasion, I punctured the tires of a car parked inside the school by using something sharppointed, leaving the principal frightened and bewildered after he had noticed that. Such were the happy moments in my life at that school. The happiest moment, to me and to all of my schoolmates, however, was the one when the school was letting out at the last bell of the day and we were rushing home as if we would never be back. Once, on our way home, a bunch of naughty students found a crickets' hole and exerted themselves to inject water into it with loud cheers.
The girls were no less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.
第3个回答  2009-02-21
第4个回答  2009-02-06
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