

第1个回答  2012-03-03
5.Sorry, you can’t have __any____ (some, any) eggs. 否定句和疑问句一般用any.
6.It sells _a lot of____ (lot of, much, a lot of) things. much接不可数名词,a lot of和lots of既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。但是lots of,而不是lot of。
7.In the evening, I do _my_____ (your, my, his, her) homework. do one's homework,这里主语是I,所以one's应是 my。
8.How much (much, many) does it cost? how much 问价格。
9.He has a new book, I have ___one___ (it, one, that), too. one指同类异物。
10.Mother bought many oranges and gave the children two __each____ (every, each, either). 一个孩子给两个。
11.---Can you come next Monday or Tuesday?
---_Either___ (Either, Neither, Each, Both) day is OK. 两天中的任何一天都行。
12.--- How many pandas did you see?
---_None____ (No one, None, Not many). None 回答how many 提的问题,而no one是回答以who提问的。
13. _ You, he and I_____ (I, you and he, You, he and I) are good friends.
1. He asked three men Bob, Joe, and ____A__ to be ready.()
A. I B. herself C. me D. himself
2. __A____ have known each other for ten years. ()
A. He and I B. I and He C. He and you D. I and you
3. Listen to ___B___ sister! ()
A. she and she’s B. she and her C. her and she D. her and her
4. You’ve dropped your pencil. _B_____.() 捡起来。
A. Pick up it B. Pick it up C. Take up it D. Bring it up
5. She is as tall as __D__. () 用主格
A. him B. her C. himself D. she
6. What’s that girl? ____B____. () 问职业
A. It’s a student B. She’s student C. She’s a student D. She’s a student girl
7. Jack gave ____C___. () give sb sth 或 give sth to sb
A. to her the flowers B. the flowers to hers C. her the flowers D. hers the flowers
8. Their parents are ___A_____ teachers.() 两者都,用A
A. both B. all C. either D. neither
9. This room is ____A____ in the building.()
A. bigger than any other one
B. biggest than any other one
C. bigger than any one
D. the biggest than any other one
10. I have four brothers. One is in Shanghai, but __D_____ are in Shenyang.()
A. another B. other C. the other D. the others
1. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has __A____ time to read newspaper.()
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
2. — Is this pen yours? ()
— No, it’s not ___D____. It’s Elsa’s. (2005年北京)
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
3. My sister is a clerk. __A____ works in a bank near here.(2005年北京海淀)()
A. She B. He C. I D. You