

第1个回答  2022-06-02



  Dear parents, I am the English teacher of our class. It's been three months since the beginning of school, but we have already had some communication through WeChat and blog. We are working together to accompany our children to grow up, to pass the young bridge smoothly, to become a qualified primary school student. Here are some of my tips to share:

  I. letter

  At the beginning of school, I wrote a letter to the children and the parents. I also received a lot of warm replies from you. Thank you very much!

  Ii. Two methods:

  1. Let the students draw the English in the picture book and show it in the class.

  2. According to the performance of the students in class, the class shall be stamped on the growing tree.

  Three, three guiding thoughts:

  1. Stimulate students' interest in learning English.

  I once received a mother's WeChat, she said that my children's English is relatively low in the class, we feel that she has a little interest in English learning. Ask how you can improve her interest.

  For this question, I have been thinking deeply, and now I have replied:

  1, and I never give the students, so it doesn't matter who the front or more, in the class for the students of grade one, if someone speaks English is better, maybe it's just the content said he has learned in extracurricular class, just is to show in class; If so-and-so's English isn't good enough, it doesn't mean he's bad, because he's just in touch, and it's still going to be a process. So I never judge a first-year student, whose English is good, and whose English is not good. They are still in development, and it is not appropriate to put a label too early.

  2, about the cultivation of the interest in learning English, it is a focus in our first-year English teaching, but one thing we must also recognize that each person's point of interest is different, everyone has his own interest, also have their own are not interested in content, adults, children, too, so if you think that children's English learning interest is not high, don't try so hard, the mood because of you, children will be perceived, will let the child have some unnecessary burden.

  On cultivating children's interest in learning English, in fact I have been doing in class, such as learning and performing English small story, painting with the way to learn English, in class to arrange some small games, watching English cartoons, post your little prize, etc., are trying to make English learning more interesting. But still, some students in the class told me, "teacher, I just don't like English!" So, I can only settle for second, at least not hate to learn English!

  At home, you can also think of some way to get English fun, took the kids to see some English original animation, for example, read some interesting English picture books, or to meet foreigners, even to travel abroad, these things may make children interested in English. WeChat now there is another "fun English dubbing" activity is good also, there are some good public, such as "the pony reading" "flower net" model "English" "small die" "喆 mama public reading public," will recommend some good English stories, children may be interested in training to have some help, you can try to do something to try.

  2. Establish students' confidence in learning English well. ?

  The beginning of English learning only requires the child to be able to listen. Since the child has a small annual lead, there is a period of silence at the beginning, and further listening and speaking require a process. Therefore, don't be too anxious about the problems that arise during the learning process. Don't force students to memorize words or recite sentences. I surveyed the children's headaches in a class, among them: "parents force me to memorize words, recite long sentences and so on!" These things that go beyond a child's competence can lead to serious frustration for students, which can be detrimental to learning later. Children who are not open to the moment should listen to the tape and encourage their children to imitate.

  In the theory of personality development, it is said that the development stage of children between the ages of 6 and 12 is diligent and self-abased. The main developmental task for children at this stage is to experience the hard work that makes them feel good about themselves and their abilities. Failure can lead to negative self-feelings and make children feel inferior.

  So hopefully parents will be less critical of their children and more encouraging. For a while, I had a homework assignment for four unit Numbers: I asked the students to recite 10 Numbers backwards.

  Most of the students can fall back, but there are several children, some difficult to recite, the parents of these children are all very worry, have give me WeChat said: "we are continuing to urge the child back, but still not good at!" "We've been learning to recite English Numbers for two days and we've been teaching at home, but we can't remember, and maybe we're worried." "Our kids are going to have to count every number in order to get it back, but the kids have done their best!"

  Look at the information, I suddenly some guilty, because children can just wear the number number is ok, I let them down for, just want to training children's thinking, didn't expect special responsible for parents, also could not because the child back down to the child worried, etc.

  So I immediately reply to these parents: let the children practice every day, do not urge, you are anxious, the child may be bored.

  In fact, I still want to say is: each child's learning has its own speed, in infancy, the parents must have enough patience, even some of the children there will be a long time of silence, like waiting for a flower, we have to wait for children grow up slowly! Give your child confidence to learn English well, not against him.

  3. Develop good English learning habits

  In class, students are required to listen to the tape, imitate and read aloud. When they speak, they can not speak aloud, read aloud, or cooperate with other students. At home, listen to the tape for at least 15-20 minutes a day. Encourage your child to repeat English in English and encourage him to speak English in a positive, bold and vocal way.

  Iv. Five requirements:

  1. Words: able to say words according to pictures or objects, not requiring to read words.

  2. Sentences: to be able to understand key sentences in a book, not to read, to have a simple dialogue with others.

  3. Song ballad: be able to master a few songs of your own favorite songs, others can follow music to sing key words and sentences.

  4. Story: able to understand and describe key sentences. Don't ask for every word.

  People, in front of the catalog, ask to be skilled in their names.

  The above requirements are minimum requirements, you can according to their own children is increasing, but the principle is that children can accept, such as memorizing words you ask children, children don't, you can do it.

  5. Supplementary explanation: listen to the class

  Read lesson now divided into two parts, one part is the natural spell, we first grade this semester teaching goal is to perceive the pronunciation of the 26 letters, in the song for future spell words, independent reading picture books, write words to lay a good foundation.

  Model English, we use it as a picture book for practicing natural spelling, and it is also for students to feel the interest in English learning, and students can't read it completely.

  Vi. Evaluation method:

  Formative assessment:

  1. Reading words

  2. Ballad rap

  3. Oral communication

  4. Story performance

  5. Comprehensive practice

  Every time I finish a unit, I will check the words and sentences. For the wrong kids, use a separate tutorial to ensure that no one is left behind, all qualified.

  In the later stage, we will take the children to make two small papers, mainly to learn how to examine the question, how to do the problem according to the requirements

  Final evaluation:

  Take the form of "music carnival", no paper and pencil test, to hear the main.



  一、 一封信


  二、 两个做法:



  三、 三个指导思想:








  2、树立学生学好英语的自信心。 ?







  其实,我还想说的是:每个孩子的学习都有自己的速度,在起步阶段,家长一定要有足够的耐心,甚至有的'孩子还会有很长一段时间的沉默期,就如同等着一朵花开一样,我们也要等着孩子慢慢成长! 从小给孩子树立学好英语的信心,而不是打击他。



  四、 五个要求:







  五、 补充说明:听读课













