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摘 要

与传统的四大传播媒体(报纸、杂志、电视、广播)广告及近来备受垂青的户外广告相比,网络广告具有得天独厚的优势,是实施现代营销媒体战略的重要一部分。Internet是一个全新的广告媒体,速度最快效果很理想,是中小企业扩展装大的很好途径,对于广泛开展国际业务的公司更是如此。 目前网络广告的市场正在以惊人的速度增长,网络广告发挥的效用越来越显得重要。以致广告界甚至认为互联网络将超越路牌,成为传统四大媒体(电视、广播、报纸、杂志)之后的第五大媒体。因而众多国际级的广告公司都成立了专门的“网络媒体分部”,以开拓网络广告的巨大市场。



Briefly, web advertisements are those ads which are posted on the internet. It can be achieved by various ways such banners on the websites, HTML links and multimedia etc. It is a high technical ad method which is spread by the internet to the web users.

Comparing with traditional media like newspaper, magazine, TV and broadcast, as well as outdoor advertisement which became popular recently, web advertisement has its unique advantages and should be a critical part of processing sales and marketing strategies. Internet, as an advanced advertisement carrier, spreads the information in the fastest and most efficiently way. It’s definitely the ideal way of expansion for medium and small businesses, especially for those companies with international business. The web advertisement market has been increasing dramatically and it plays a more and more important roles in information sharing. It is believed that web advertisement will become the fifth medium giant after the four traditional media. Nowadays, more and more companies have set up a web media department specializing into the web advertisement market which has a huge potential.

网络广告web advertisements
网络品牌 web brand / internet brand
建立 to set up / to build up
策略 strategy
营销 sales and marketing
另外,请注意媒体这个词,做单数时是 medium, 同时又是“中等的”的意思。
做复数时 media.
第1个回答  2009-03-12
In brief ,interne advertisement is the one of adertisements which finished on net..................................
第2个回答  2021-04-03
I don't think anyone would love me or even stay with me for a long time.