

sorry, i remember now asking you about subtitled movies before. duibuqi, wo wang le (wang = forgot?).

of course (dongran?) we're learning simplified hanzi and putonghua. all the chinese courses here and throughout the west will run along those lines. people want to talk to a billion and a half zhongguoren, not restrict themselves to a measly 30 million hong kongers or taiwanese.

yeah the chinese teacher is dongbeiren - that's an appropriate phrase, isn't it? can't remember which place exactly, but i think in liaoning. she's quite young, probably late 20s. it's funny to see how chinese people, even in a completely different context, nonetheless behave in a very typically 'chinese' way, like a freshman at english corner, ha ha. she's very innocent, quite authoritarian, and - despite having lived in the uk for a few years, and having an italian boyfriend - is still somewhat naive about "the west". (although not as naive as most of the dumb laowai in the classroom.) she's a pretty good teacher though (although nowhere near as good as yourself...), and it's nice to talk to her - it's like a little bit of shijiazhuang here in bo-ming-han, ha ha.

really the class is hardly useful at all for me; it's just nice to go along and get a (little) chance to practise, and i managed to get cheap enrolment because i'm connected to the university of birmingham. i'm unwilling to tolerate regimented language-learning anymore. i did that for seven years at school learning german, and i did the work that was needed then, but now when i learn language i want to have freedom. so i normally sit there shouting out silly things in my elementary chinese, while the teacher organises very circumscribed activities: "repeat this list of vocabulary after me", "complete this dialogue in pairs, filling in the gaps". bu hao, meiyou yisi. what's more useful are these 500 Chinesepod MP3 tracks that i downloaded. they use a very professional teaching technique, and it's convenient for listening to while driving. i learn more from them than i do from the class.

sorry, i remember now asking you about subtitled movies before. duibuqi, wo wang le (wang = forgot?).

of course (dongran?) we're learning simplified hanzi and putonghua. all the chinese courses here and throughout the west will run along those lines. people want to talk to a billion and a half zhongguoren, not restrict themselves to a measly 30 million hong kongers or taiwanese.

yeah the chinese teacher is dongbeiren - that's an appropriate phrase, isn't it?

can't remember which place exactly, but i think in liaoning. she's quite young, probably late 20s.

it's funny to see how chinese people, even in a completely different context, nonetheless behave in a very typically 'chinese' way, like a freshman at english corner, ha ha.
看着中国人在不同的场合表现出来的典型的 中国式的东西是很好玩的,就和一个大一学生在英语角的表现一样。

she's very innocent, quite authoritarian, and - despite having lived in the uk for a few years, and having an italian boyfriend - is still somewhat naive about "the west".

(although not as naive as most of the dumb laowai in the classroom.) she's a pretty good teacher though (although nowhere near as good as yourself...), and it's nice to talk to her - it's like a little bit of shijiazhuang here in bo-ming-han, ha ha.

really the class is hardly useful at all for me; it's just nice to go along and get a (little) chance to practise,

and i managed to get cheap enrolment because i'm connected to the university of birmingham.

i'm unwilling to tolerate regimented language-learning anymore. i did that for seven years at school learning german, and i did the work that was needed then, but now when i learn language i want to have freedom.

so i normally sit there shouting out silly things in my elementary chinese, while the teacher organises very circumscribed activities:

"repeat this list of vocabulary after me", "complete this dialogue in pairs, filling in the gaps". bu hao, meiyou yisi.

what's more useful are these 500 Chinesepod MP3 tracks that i downloaded. they use a very professional teaching technique, and it's convenient for listening to while driving. i learn more from them than i do from the class.

第1个回答  2009-03-15
很抱歉,我还记得你现在要求字幕电影之前。对不起,我忘了? 。

当然( dongran ? )我们正在学习简体汉字和普通话。所有这里的中文课程和整个西部地区都将沿着这些路线。人们想要的10亿半中国人交谈 ,而不是限制自己和 3000万香港人或台湾人交谈。

我们中文老师是东北人(dongbeiren )-这是一个适当的词语,是不是?我不记得确切的位置,但我想是在辽宁。她非常年轻,大概25 〜 29岁。真的很有趣,看看中国人,即使来自一个完全不同的背景,但表现出一个非常典型的'中国'的方式,像一个新生来到英语角,哈哈。她很天真,也很专制,尽管在英国生活几年,有一个意大利男朋友,却仍然对“西方”有点幼稚的看法 。 (虽然不是最幼稚的和那些在课堂的聋哑的老外相比。)她是一个非常好的老师,(虽然远不不如你...),和她聊天很开心-这就有点像石家庄在伯明翰,哈哈。

对我这儿课程并不是完全有用,只是能获得(小)的机会练习中文口语,我设法弄到便宜的入学费,因为我联系到英国伯明翰大学。我不愿意容忍大量的语言学习了。我已经受够了7年在学校学习德语,我没有工作,即使那时那么需要,但现在当我学习的语言,同时我想拥有自由。所以我通常坐在那里用我的初级汉语高喊了愚蠢的话,而教师却说些有限的话: “重复这些词汇,给我读。” “完成这一对话对,填补空白” 。不好, 没有意思 。更重要有益的是我下载的这些500 Chinesepod MP3曲目。他们使用了非常专业教学技术,方便开车时听,能比我在课堂上学的更多
第2个回答  2009-03-15
很抱歉,我还记得你现在要求字幕电影之前。对不起,我王乐(王=忘了? ) 。

当然( dongran ? )我们正在学习简体汉字和普通话。所有中文课程这里和整个西部地区将沿着这些路线。人们想要交谈的10亿半zhongguoren ,而不是限制自己到measly 3000万香港人或台湾人。

是中文老师dongbeiren -这是一个适当的词语,是不是?不记得确切的位置,但我想在辽宁。她非常年轻,大概25 〜 29岁。它很有趣,看看中国人民,即使在一个完全不同的背景,但表现在一个非常典型的'中国'的方式,像一个新生的英语角,哈哈。她很无辜,很专制,和-尽管生活在英国的几年中,有一个意大利男朋友-仍然有点幼稚的“西方” 。 (虽然不是最天真的哑巴laowai在课堂上。 )她是一个非常好的老师虽然(虽然远不不如自己...),并很高兴跟她的-这就像一点点石家庄在这里柏铭汉,哈哈。

真正的一流几乎所有有用的我,只是好走,并获得(小)的机会练习,我设法弄到便宜入学,因为我连接到英国伯明翰大学。我不愿意容忍regimented语言学习了。我没有说, 7年在学校学习德语,我没有工作,那么需要,但现在当我学习的语言我想拥有自由。所以我通常坐在那里高喊了愚蠢的事情在我的初级汉语,而教师举办非常有限的活动: “重复此名单后,我的词汇” , “完成这一对话对,填补空白” 。不好, meiyou yisi 。更重要的是有益的,这些500 Chinesepod MP3曲目,我下载。他们使用了非常专业教学技术,它的方便开车时听。了解更多从他们比我的阶级。

以后需要翻译到http://translate.google.cn/translate_t# 中英文随便翻译
第3个回答  2009-03-15
很抱歉,我还记得你现在要求字幕电影之前。对不起,我王乐(王=忘了? ) 。 <br> <br> <br>当然( dongran ? )我们正在学习简体汉字和普通话。所有中文课程这里和整个西部地区将沿着这些路线。人们想要交谈的10亿半zhongguoren ,而不是限制自己到measly 3000万香港人或台湾人。 <br> <br> <br>是中文老师dongbeiren -这是一个适当的词语,是不是?不记得确切的位置,但我想在辽宁。她非常年轻,大概25 〜 29岁。它很有趣,看看中国人民,即使在一个完全不同的背景,但表现在一个非常典型的'中国'的方式,像一个新生的英语角,哈哈。她很无辜,很专制,和-尽管生活在英国的几年中,有一个意大利男朋友-仍然有点幼稚的“西方” 。 (虽然不是最天真的哑巴laowai在课堂上。 )她是一个非常好的老师虽然(虽然远不不如自己...),并很高兴跟她的-这就像一点点石家庄在这里柏铭汉,哈哈。 <br> <br> <br>真正的一流几乎所有有用的我,只是好走,并获得(小)的机会练习,我设法弄到便宜入学,因为我连接到英国伯明翰大学。我不愿意容忍regimented语言学习了。我没有说, 7年在学校学习德语,我没有工作,那么需要,但现在当我学习的语言我想拥有自由。所以我通常坐在那里高喊了愚蠢的事情在我的初级汉语,而教师举办非常有限的活动: “重复此名单后,我的词汇” , “完成这一对话对,填补空白” 。不好, meiyou yisi 。更重要的是有益的,这些500 Chinesepod MP3曲目,我下载。他们使用了非常专业教学技术,它的方便开车时听。了解更多从他们比我的阶级。
第4个回答  2009-03-15


对不起,我忘记了问你关于有字幕的电影。 dui bu qi, wo wang le (对不起我忘了 ——拼音)(wang=忘?)


这个中文老师是东北人,- 我这个“东北人”用对了吧?我不记得具体是哪个地方了,但我想是辽宁。她很年轻,可能才20多。很有趣,中国人尽管在一个截然不同的环境中,所表现的还是完全的“中国式”。就象一个英语角中的大一新生,她很天真,很独立,尽管在英国住了几年而且有一个意大利男朋友,对“西方”这个概念还是一无所知。(虽然她不像这个教室里的许多“老外”那么白痴),她是个美丽的好老师(尽管根本没你好)。 跟她说话很有趣,在伯明翰这里的感觉就像是在石家庄。哈哈

说真的,这课对我真没什么用,其实一个人去找机会自己练习好多了。 我想找个便宜的课程读了算了,因为我在伯明翰大学有熟人。我不能再忍受这种填鸭式的语言学习了。我已经这样学了7年语法,而且我做了自己需要做的。现在我想要一种自由的学习方式。所以,我总是做在这里,傻子似的大声说我所学的那点中文。然而老师的方法给了我们很大的限制“跟我读这些词汇”,“大家分组完成这些对话,这些填空。”,不好。。。没有意思。。。我想我自己下载的那500个MP3文件更加有用,他们用的是一种很专业的方法。又很方便,我开车的时候都能听。这比我在上课学得多多了。