
关键词:初中 数学 问题情境 教学

〔Abstract〕: In traditional classroom instruction in mathematics, mainly in the form mainly of teachers in the teaching, this teaching mode makes mathematics teaching in a closed state, resulting in students to face the reality of life, from the discovery and should not raise questions, not to mention the analysis and solve the problem. With the new round of curriculum reform continued to deepen, from time to time to hear some of the teachers from teaching for many years, "reform, reform of the more change the more I do not know how to lesson on the" sighs. Solve the "what a good math class" has become a mathematics curriculum reform in the critical issue. Curriculum reform from the old to new, from the break to lap, itself a process, and therefore, there has been "I do not know how on the math" is no longer bound. To change this, "Go With Feeling " situation, it is necessary to effectively enhance the effect of classroom teaching, we must return to the classroom teaching model of mathematics understand and use, because, teaching models are teaching theory and teaching practice intermediary between, outstanding teaching model reflects the advanced teaching theories. A teaching model mainly includes two parts, one is teaching mode structure, this point in the "full-time compulsory education in mathematics curriculum standards" (experimental version) (hereinafter referred to as "standards") are vividly reflected, that is, knowledge and skills, processes and methods, emotional attitudes and values of the three-dimensional target, but in these three areas should not mean force, the focus should be on the process and methods of the dynamic factors. In addition, the teaching model also includes the teaching of this key factor. The liberation of the new curriculum of the hands of teachers so that teachers can select the appropriate teaching model for teaching and learning, but under the new curriculum standards for teaching model is not the traditional teaching model, we have to reflect on the merits and demerits of the traditional teaching mode, set up for the new curriculum teaching mode, and in the use of its development.

Keywords: junior middle school,mathematics,problem situation,instruction