
Bob comes out of the station and at once he doesn't know where to go.He comes to see his good friend,Peter.peter is a worker.he works in a factory,but Bob doesn't know where the factory is.
He walks along the street .He passes a hospital.some stutents are comeing out,so he asks one of them.“Excuse me.Do you know where the Red Star Factory is ?”
“Of course, I know.I live near here.My father works in that factory.It's outside this town, ”answers the boy .“Is it far fron here?Can you show me the way.Please?”Bob asks agian.I'm going home now.Will you come with me?We can go there by bus.”
1.Who comes to the town to see a friend of his
A.Bob B.PeterC.The boyD.The boy'father
2.whow does Bob ask the way?
A.Bob B.PeterC.a studentD.a policeman
3.where is the factory?
A.near the schoolB.Outside the downC.next to the hospitalD.across from the post office
4.where does the boy live?
A.Near the bookcaseB.Near the post officeCNear the factory.D.Near the hospital
5.where do the boy and Bob go then?
A.to the bookshopB.to a bus shopC.to th post officeD.to the hospital
