

1. 简单句也可能成为好句子
It turned into a quarrel. → It turned into a horrible/terrible/fierce quarrel.
虽然只是添加了一个形容词,但quarrel 的程度、作者的态度和场景的再现更好地表现了出来。又如:
They began to quarrel. → They began to quarrel with each other blindly/furiously.
Li Jiang, who is Su Hua's classmate, is also to blame. → Li Jiang, Su Hua's classmate, is also to blame.
The boy went back home and was full of fear. → The boy went back home, full of fear.
形容词短语full of fear作状语的表达既简洁明了,又生动形象。
It was Su's fault but Li was also to blame. → To be honest/To be frank, it was Su's fault but Li was also to blame.
To be short, it is everyone's responsibility to keep the world clean.
Sandy struck the USA and caused great damage to the infrastructure. → Sandy struck the USA, causing great damage to the infrastructure.
After I finished my homework, I often relaxed myself by playing computer games. → Having finished my homework, I often relaxed myself by playing computer games.
Some people say this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients. → This kind of milk is said to contain different levels of nutrients. → It is said that this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients.
People believe that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship. → It is generally believed that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship.
2. 复杂自有其道
Su Hua and Li Jiang played basketball on the playground. They both jumped up to catch the flying ball. → Su Hua and Li Jiang were playing basketball on the playground when they both jumped up to catch the flying ball.
Su said many mean words to Li and shouted at the top of his voice as well. → Not only did Su say many mean words to Li but also shouted at the top of his voice.
A man, who is in all black, is standing with a gun in hand in front of her. → Standing in front of her is a man, who is in all black, with a gun in hand.
He didn't come back until the clock struck twelve. → It was not until the clock struck twelve that he came back.
While they were catching the flying ball, they bumped into each other. → While catching the flying ball, they bumped into each other.
No one put himself in the other's place. They found no fun in the game. → If one of them had put himself in the other's place, they could have found more fun in the game.
Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. These conflicts can turn out to be serious problems if we don't deal with them properly.
Last week, Su Hua and Li Jiang were playing basketball on the playground when they both jumped up to catch the flying ball. Unfortunately, they bumped into each other. Su began to say mean words and Li shouted back in response. A terrible quarrel occurred all of a sudden.
How to avoid these quarrels effectively? First, we should often stand in others' shoes when faced with conflicts. Second, stay as cool as a cucumber. Think twice and you may find that things are not so bad as you thought first. What's more, we should be good sports. Competitive sports involve unavoidable bumps or even injuries, which should be taken into consideration when you participate in a game.
With the two-day weekends, we can have more time to chat with our parents. → With the two-day weekends, we can have more time to chat with our parents around the table.
句中的around the table能让读者头脑中浮现出生活的场景,唤起了家庭的温馨之感。