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我写的心得感想 需要有会英语的人 帮我翻译一下 拜托了

在故事中 生命尽头的老富翁,为了一见贫民窟中真正幸福的人,而流浪街头。他家财万贯却不信任任何人,他拥有全世界都会羡慕的荣华富贵,



在故事中 Amal载到了一位貌似游民、满口牢骚的老翁,面对种种无理的要求,阿默真诚无私的关怀,让老翁印象十分深刻 因为这样的意外 而改变了他的命运



This story is about a millionaire, who is in his twilight years. In order to find out the people with true happiness in the Ghetto, he lives in the streets. He has the prosperity the whole world will envy, with all his wealth yet with no one to trust. And he doesn’t have the health and the true smile from the bottom of his heart.

People would do whatever it takes to deceive others in order to exchange for their wealth. But there are also some just like the honest driver Amal, who is reverent and respectful. It isn’t that because he thinks himself lowly but he is truly doing for others’ good. He has dissipated all his wealth just wanted to raise enough money for the medical bills of a burglar, who is a stranger and has been knocked down by a car. He has mortgaged the tuk-tuk, which his father has left him. In order to prolong one’s life, he gave up his liflong favourite driver’s job.

All because he understands the value of a life is far more important than adhering to materials. Therefore, although he is depressed, he is not regretting for his decision. Money can be made again but an opportunity to save a life will not appear again, once it’s lost.

在故事中 Amal载到了一位貌似游民、满口牢骚的老翁,面对种种无理的要求,阿默真诚无私的关怀,让老翁印象十分深刻因为这样的意外而改变了他的命运
In the story, Amal takes on a tourist like passenger. The old man is full of complaints. Facing with all the unreasonable requests, Amal shows his selfless concern and gives the old man a very deep impression, which has change his life forever.

His effort is in vain. His life seems like a big zero but unaware that his words and deeds have already been silently remembered. He can have the rich man’s wealth. Can also get the love of the girl he adores. Though the simple he has made a simple choice. Perhaps, cherish the fortune that God has offered and satisfied with all things are the true happiness.

The deepest impression of the story is no more than the satisfaction with his daily life of this pure and kind individual, Amal, who is caring of others sincerely. The acts of never ask for anything, not greedy, which have deeply touched many of the people around him unknowingly. Even makes those, who are feeling lost in their existence, angry and depressed to see a little bit of light about humanity. A little girl is so, G.K is so and such a lawyer like J.B. who has been busy for a whole month, finally has found the leading character, who is just next to him. Isn’t fate playing tricks on him?

第1个回答  2014-11-03
In the story,the millionaire became homeless in order to see the truly happy people in the slums, He was possessed of great wealth but don't trust anyone, he owns the whole world will envy glory, splendour, wealth and rank,but can't have a healthy body and a real happy smile.
Everybody in the society ,will plot to deceive others, in return for their wealth in order to live along,
But there is also honest drivers, such as Amal, reverent and respectful, not because of their low, but really good for others. He spread the wealth around to raise medical expenses for the accident issmall strange car thieves, he mortgaged his father"s staya tuk tuk, for a continuation of life, he gave up his lifelong love ——driver occupation,
Just because he knows, the value of lifeis important than the externalstick So although he is frustrated, but does not regret his decision, money can earn later, but once the opportunity saving a life missed,it will never come back.
In the story Amal load a seems like mingly homeless and readily grievance man,with all kinds of unreasonable demands, armour is sincere and selflesscare, let the old man very impressive ,and changed his destiny because of this accident
His efforts were not the result of his life seems to return to zero, but don't know their words and deeds had beensilently remember, he can get rich all property,
You can also get the woman's love, pure he, do the most simple choice, perhaps, to cherish God give lucky,contentment is the true happiness.
The story of the most impressive is Amal through a pure goodness of people, meet on their own daily life, sincereconcern for others, all sorts of acts not greed, not greedyunconsciously deeply touched many people around. Even let them in the face of the existence of a loss, anger andgrief, saw on human nature by a trace of dawn. The little girl was so, so G.K J.B is even more so.
Lawyers busy for a month, and finally found the protagonist in his side, is the irony of fate
第2个回答  2014-11-03
第3个回答  2014-11-03
beautiful....but,it is vary difficult
第4个回答  2014-11-03
50分 翻译这么多。。。不干这活