
以Everybody Must Help to Fight Pollution

Everybody Must Help to Fight Pollution

As a matter of fact the growth and spread of the pollution have resulted in dramatic reductions in quality and availability of wildlife habitat.Lots of kinds of plants and animals have died out and some of those survivals are now again on the edge of extinction.At this key moment we humans must do something to protect our earth from suffering the pollution.Right now I call on everybody to fight against Pollution.Here below are what we could do.First we should do first sparkplug the Green Consume.We should all be green consumers and be up to the three requirements-reduce,reuse and recycle.
Second,we should suggest the government to buid more public facilities in the small town and villages,and we should improve their thoughts and make them realise the importance of enviroment protection.
Third,we should take fully advantage of the so-called rubbish by the use of technology.We could turn them into something new.
At last I want to say, earth silently made so much sacrifices for us,right now it is the time for us to reward that amazing grace.
