一个英语问题。 经常在英文游戏或者是在英文电影里面听到一个词组,我猜是明白了,或者是收到的意思,一

经常在英文游戏或者是在英文电影里面听到一个词组,我猜是明白了,或者是收到的意思,一共两个单词,第二个是that,第一个不清楚,类似于“rua zhe”的拼音,求这个词组

int. (无线电通讯答语)已收到;(用于无线电通讯,表示已听懂信息)信息收到,明白;【美】【口】(无线电话用语)好!知道了!

你听到的应该是:Roger that.追问


第1个回答  2015-08-26
— "I have received all of the last transmission" in both military and civilian aviation radiocommunications. This usage comes from the initial R of received: R was called Roger in theradio alphabets or spelling alphabets in use by the military at the time of the invention of the radio, such as the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet and RAF phonetic alphabet.[4][5] It is also often shortened in writing to "rgr". The word Romeo is used for "R", rather than "Roger" in the modern international NATO phonetic alphabet.
Contrary to popular belief, Roger does not mean or imply both "received" and "I will comply." That distinction goes to the contraction wilco (from, "will comply"), which is used exclusively if the speaker intends to say "received and will comply". The phrase "Roger Wilco" is procedurally incorrect, as it is redundant with respect to the intent to say "received".
第2个回答  2015-08-26
I've got it!
第3个回答  2015-08-26