

Book 2 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 AACBA 16-20ABBAC 21-25 CBBAC 26-30 DBDBA
31-35 CCACB 36-40EDACG
41-45 CADBB 46-50ADBBC 51-55 CACDA 56-60DACDB
61. is called 62.it
63. Actually 64.amazing
65. to make 66.which / that
67. the 68. with /by
69. younger 70.had worked
71. I got back ... back → up
72. ... apartment immediate.
immediate→ immediately
73. Outside I see ... see → saw
74. ... to catch. catch后加it
75. Without the second ... the → a
76. After I knew ... After → Before
77. ... so much happy ... 去掉much
78. ... window, either. either → too
79. ... save her baby. save → saving
80. It felt greatly ... greatly → great
One possible version:
Dear Bill,
I'm glad to hear that you're interested inChinese songs and want to learn to sing them. I'd like to help you.
I like singing very much and I can singChinese songs very well. I have taken part in many singing competitions inwhich I have performed well. I'm confident that I won't disappoint you. Besides,I like singing English songs but can't sing as well as Chinese songs. So I needsome instructions to improve my singing skills. I think we can provide eachother with the help we need and I am sure we can make progress together.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
A篇 (学校生活)
21. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的Two weeks ago, Ms. Goldstein ... new soccer club可知,这个足球俱乐部可能是两周前成立的,故选C项。
22. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的Why not get into shape ... soccer?和第二段中的You'll make new friends ... players可知,作者认为踢足球对学生们来说有很多好处,故选B项。
23. B。写作目的题。由第一段中的Why not get into shape ... soccer?和最后一段中的Just act now!可知,作者通过本文旨在鼓励孩子们加入该足球俱乐部,故选B项。
B篇 (日常活动)
24. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的He said, “No”. We felthelpless. But suddenly we ... climb onto the water tank and jump over the gate可知,A项说法正确。
25. C。篇章结构题。由该段中的20 gold bars were stolen ... like the one we had seen in the man'shouse可知,surprise在此是指一根金条,故选C项。
26. D。推理判断题。由最后一句Standing beside us, Kavya's mother was all smiles可知,Kavya的妈妈为女儿感到骄傲。
27. B。推理判断题。作者通过讲述偷金条男子被抓这一故事向我们说明了这样一个道理:若想人不知,除非己莫为。
C篇 (个人情况)
本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了著名歌手Shania Twain的成长之路。
28. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的When Shania was eight years old, her mother ... to perform可知,Shania很小的时候就开始在公开场合演唱了,故选D项。
29. B。词义猜测题。由第二段内容可知,父母离世后,Shania不得不照顾弟弟妹妹,支撑起这个家,这是一项艰巨的任务,故选B项。
30. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的Born in 1965和第二段中的When Shania was 21 years old, her parents were killed可知,她失去父母是在1986年;由第三段中的In 1991, Shania went toNashville和In 1995, hernext CD, The Woman in Me;最后一段中的Shania and Robert Lange ... got married in 1993和until the fall of 2002 ... Up, onTV shows可知,应选A项。
31. C。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了著名歌手Shania Twain的成长之路,故选C项。
D篇 (社会)
32. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的All his friends already had one, so his mom and dad agreed可知,Jason的朋友们都有电脑,而他却没有,为了避免成为圈外人,所以想让父母给自己也买一台,故选C项。
33. A。细节理解题。由该句后面的He did not think that he had a problem at all可知,每次父母提醒他玩电脑时间太长了,他都不听,故选A项。
34. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的his parents refused to give in和Jason ...killed himself可知,当时他们的关系很糟糕,故选C项。
35. B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的some people, especially teenagers, ... shy people可知,那些腼腆的人更容易沉迷于电脑所营造的虚拟世界中,故选B项。

36. E。由该空前的Today和空后的Animportant one ... one thousand years ago可知,该空与上文是转折关系,又引出下文,E项内容符合此处语境。
37. D。由该空前的A.D. 972,A few years later和空后的Leaders ... decided to create a school可知,此处应填D项。
38. A。由该空后的For these teachers at Al-Azhar, they needed to think about whatcourses to teach and how to teach them可知,由于当时大学还是一个新事物,所以老师需要考虑教什么课程、怎样教的问题,故选A项。
39. C。由该空前的the new university interested scholars from around the world可知,C项内容符合此处语境。
40. G。由该空前的Al-Azhar is still an important university in the world可知,G项说法是对前面内容的补充。

41. C。42. A。43. D。总览全文尤其是最后一段中的while living forever... right for me可知,作者觉得永生听起来可能很“有意思(interesting)”,但生命之所以“宝贵(valuable)”正是因为它无法永远延续。所以,作者并不“赞成(agree)”永生。
44. B。由下文的working for as long as you lived和doing the same thing for a very long time等信息可知,作者认为永生将会很“无聊(boring)”。
45. B。由下文的you would still need to eat and have a place to live可知,在一个人正常的一生中,总是需要找到“养活(support)”自己的方法。
46. A。“即使(Even if)”能够永生,你仍然需要吃住。
47. D。为了支付所有这些开销,你只要活着,就得“继续(continue)”工作。
48. B。由该空后的begin to enjoy the rest of their lives可知,很多人工作三四十年后,就“停下来(stop)”开始享受余生了。
49. B。如果你永远活下去的话,就不会有那种“选择(choice)”,即停止工作、享受余生。
50. C。由该空后的you could ... a very long time可知,如果你的生存技能几十年都不“变(change)”,那你将会在很长的一段时间内做同样的事情。
51. C。长时间做一件事当然毫无“趣味(fun)”!
52. A。下文的a very lonely existence是提示。
53. C。如果你周围的人没有永生的“能力(ability)”,你将会很孤独。
54. D。由常识及下文的them die可知,你可能在不同的时期会“遇到(meet)”很多人。
55. A。因为你能一直活下去,所以将会“看着(watch)”他们死去。
56. D。看着周围的人一个个都离去,你肯定会很“难过(sad)”。
57. A。58. C。由下文的you'dalso have to watch them get old and pass away可知,这里是说你将有“机会(chance)”看着你的孩子、孙辈以及曾孙辈“成长(grow up)”。
59. D。随着亲人朋友的离去,“最终(Finally)”自己只能孤独地生活在这人世间。
60. B。此处是对全文内容的总结,故填In short。

61. is called。考查一般现在时的被动语态。This piece与call之间是被动关系,且本句陈述的是一个客观事实,故填is called。
62. it。考查it作形式主语的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,故填it。
63. Actually。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰整个句子,故填副词Actually。
64. amazing。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语且主语是物,意为“令人惊奇的”,故填amazing。
65. to make。考查不定式作宾语的用法。decide后接不定式作宾语,故填tomake。
66. which / that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词trip,且在从句中作主语,故填which / that。
67. the。考查定冠词。all over the world全世界。
68. with / by。考查介词。be impressed with / by 留下深刻印象。
69. younger。考查形容词的比较级。由后面的than可知,此处应填形容词的比较级younger。
70. had worked。考查过去完成时。work表示的动作发生在he was 18之前,是“过去的过去”,故填had worked。

1-5 CBCAD 6-10 DBACD
A篇 (日常活动)
1. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的By the end of last year ... 110 times和a record 113以及This year, the price of the test was lowered from £31 a time to £25可知,该女子为了通过理论考试已经花了3485英镑(31×110+25×3),故选C项。
2. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的A 30-year-old man from Peterborough ... 61 tests without any luck可知,来自Peterborough的男子理论考试失败的次数最多,故选B项。
3. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的men are said to be around six per cent more likely to pass thepractical driving test than women可知,在实践操作部分男性的通过率要高于女性,这说明男性更擅长开车,故选C项。
4. A。词义猜测题。由该短语后的the practical driving test ... passing at his 37th attempt和The practical driving test ...costs £62可知,这位中年男子花费了至少2294英镑才通过路考,故选A项。
5. D。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了一些为考取驾照已经多次参加考试的人们,因为谈论的是英国的情况,故选D项。
B篇 (现代技术)
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的each robot has one hour to score eight points for different tasks可知,D项说法正确。
7. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的it dropped to the ground可知,CHIMP在下车时突然摔倒在地,故选B项。
8. A。词义猜测题。由该段中的recovering from a fall和CHIMP still completed all the tasks in under an hour及handshakes and high-fives可知,Tony Stentz是说CHIMP将任务完成得很棒,故选A项。
9. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中Tony Stentz所说的After two days, hopefully ... safer after disasters可知,本次比赛意义深远。这意味着我们在保障灾后重建时人们的生命安全方面又前进了一步,为此他感到很高兴,故选C项。
10. D。写作目的题。作者通过本文向我们介绍了在美国举办的DARPA机器人挑战赛,故选D项。