
英格兰的奴隶制早已于1102年定为犯法,最后一名农奴则在17世纪初消失。但18世纪开始,黑奴开始输入伦敦和爱丁堡作英国人的仆役,但当时的黑奴并不是贸易而得,他们的法律地位一直都是含糊不清。直至1772年,一个名James Somerset的黑奴逃跑了,然后被他的主人Charles Steuart捉回,再把他送去牙买加种甘蔗。由于Somerset在伦敦时已经受洗,他的教父便以「人身保护令」向法院提出诉讼。当时的英格兰及威尔士高等法院王座法庭院长William Murray, Lord Mansfield于1772年6月22日宣判:「无论有那麽不便,但总要有个决定,我不能说这件案在英格兰法律之下是准许或认可;所以黑人是应该被释放。」这便即宣布了奴隶制不存在于英格兰法律之下,那麽拥有奴隶即等同非法行为。这一判决令到英格兰境内的一万至一万四千名奴隶得到解放,亦表明了其他管辖区实行的奴隶制不等于英格兰也相同。[1]
在「Somerset案」后,苏格兰的黑奴Joseph Knight也好像Somerset一样逃跑了。这件案在1776年Wedderburn审讯,结果与前案一样:奴隶制不存在于苏格兰法律之下。苏格兰最后的本土奴隶于 1799年在煤矿主底下获得自由。

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英格兰的奴隶制早已于1102年定为犯法,最后一名农奴则在17世纪初消失。但18世纪开始,黑奴开始输入伦敦和爱丁堡作英国人的仆役,但当时的黑奴并不是贸易而得,他们的法律地位一直都是含糊不清。直至1772年,一个名James Somerset的黑奴逃跑了,然后被他的主人Charles Steuart捉回,再把他送去牙买加种甘蔗。由于Somerset在伦敦时已经受洗,他的教父便以「人身保护令」向法院提出诉讼。当时的英格兰及威尔士高等法院王座法庭院长William Murray, Lord Mansfield于1772年6月22日宣判:「无论有那麽不便,但总要有个决定,我不能说这件案在英格兰法律之下是准许或认可;所以黑人是应该被释放。」这便即宣布了奴隶制不存在于英格兰法律之下,那麽拥有奴隶即等同非法行为。这一判决令到英格兰境内的一万至一万四千名奴隶得到解放,亦表明了其他管辖区实行的奴隶制不等于英格兰也相同。[1]
在「Somerset案」后,苏格兰的黑奴Joseph Knight也好像Somerset一样逃跑了。这件案在1776年Wedderburn审讯,结果与前案一样:奴隶制不存在于苏格兰法律之下。苏格兰最后的本土奴隶于 1799年在煤矿主底下获得自由。
第1个回答  2009-04-04
In England ,the slavery has been prohibited as illigimate since 1102.The last one of slaves went out of existence in the 17th century.Ever since the 18th century,the African slaves are transported into London and Edenburg as charmen.However,the black slaves are not obtained through transactions so that their legal position had always been opaque and open to discussion.It is not until 1772,a black slave named James Somerse escaped and then was captured by his owner.Later he was sent to Jamaica where he helped with growing canes.On the fact that in London Somerset had been baptised ,his godfater brought out a lawsuit to the court for his godson's Habea Corpus.At that time Lord Chief Justice William Murray, Lord Mansfield, of the Court of King's Bench in the judgement of 22 june 1772 proclaimed:whatever troubles it would cause,a decision has to be there,I can't confirm that this kind of act is allowable or justified under the laws of England.So the black man should be set free.It immediately announced that the slavery was not existing in the dominion of England,the ownnership of slaves was equal to the violation of laws.This judgement had the ten to fourteen thousand slaves set free immediatedly and demonstrated the fact that the slavery in other dominions cannot be applied exatly in England.
After the case of Somerset,a scottish black slave Joseph Knight escaped lide Somerset did.The case invited another almost the same kind of judicial procedures,resulting in also basically similar judgements:slavery was not under the Scottish Laws.The last native slave ,in 1799, was set free from the hand of a coal mine owner.
第2个回答  2009-04-04
Slavery has long been in England for breaking the law in 1102, the last of a serf in the early 17th century disappear. However, beginning the 18th century, began to import black slaves in London and Edinburgh for the English servants, but not at the time of the slave trade are derived from their legal status has been ambiguous. Until 1772, one of the slave James Somerset escaped, and then by his master Charles Steuart捉回, and then sent to the Jamaican sugar cane him. Because Somerset has been baptized in London, he will be the godfather of "habeas corpus" to take court proceedings. At that time, the High Court of England and Wales Court of Queen's Bench president of William Murray, Lord Mansfield in June 22, 1772 ruling: "No matter then there is the inconvenience, but there must be a decision, I can not say that this case under the law in England are permitted or authorized; are so black should be released. "slavery announced that the spot does not exist in England under the law, then it is tantamount to slave ownership illegal. England made the ruling in the 10000-14000 has been the liberation of slaves, also indicates that the implementation of other jurisdictions of slavery does not mean the same in England. [1]
At "Somerset case," the slave Joseph Knight, Scotland Somerset, as if it ran away. This case at trial in 1776 Wedderburn, the results with the previous case: slavery does not exist under the law in Scotland. Scotland, the last slaves in the local coal mine owners in 1799 under free.
第3个回答  2009-04-04
Domestic slavery
Slavery has long been in England for breaking the law in 1102, the last of a serf in the early 17th century disappear. However, beginning the 18th century, began to import black slaves in London and Edinburgh for the English servants, but not at the time of the slave trade are derived from their legal status has been ambiguous. Until 1772, one of the slave James Somerset escaped, and then by his master Charles Steuart捉回, and then sent to the Jamaican sugar cane him. Because Somerset has been baptized in London, he will be the godfather of "habeas corpus" to take court proceedings. At that time, the High Court of England and Wales Court of Queen's Bench president of William Murray, Lord Mansfield in June 22, 1772 ruling: "No matter then there is the inconvenience, but there must be a decision, I can not say that this case under the law in England are permitted or authorized; are so black should be released. "slavery announced that the spot does not exist in England under the law, then it is tantamount to slave ownership illegal. England made the ruling in the 10000-14000 has been the liberation of slaves, also indicates that the implementation of other jurisdictions of slavery does not mean the same in England. [1]
At "Somerset case," the slave Joseph Knight, Scotland Somerset, as if it ran away. This case at trial in 1776 Wedderburn, the results with the previous case: slavery does not exist under the law in Scotland. Scotland, the last slaves in the local coal mine owners in 1799 under free.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-04-04
Domestic slavery

Slavery was stated guilty in accordance with law in England back to 1102. The last serf disappeared in early 17th century. However, since beginning of 18th century, black slaves started to be imported into London and Edinburgh to serve English, which was not a result of slave trading in the time. Their legal status was ambiguous. Until 1772, one of the slaves named James Somerset escaped and captured by his master Charles Steuart. Somerset was then sent to the Jamaican to work in sugar farm. Because Somerset has been baptized in London, his godfather sued to the High Court with the "habeas corpus" to take court proceedings. At that time, the president of High Court of England and Wales Court of Queen's Bench, William Murray, Lord Mansfield ruled in June 22, 1772: "No matter then there is the inconvenience, but there must be a decision, I can not say that this case is permitted or approbated under the law in England; so the black should be released." This announced that slavery could not exist under the law in England. It was illegal to be an ownership of slaves.
This judgment liberated one thousand to fourteen thousand slaves and it also indicated that the slavery as legal implementation in other jurisdictions does not mean the same in England. [1] Subsequently, following "Somerset’s case," the slave, Joseph Knight, in Scotland escaped as Somerset. This case was taken to the court of Wedderburn in 1776, the result was same as the Somerset’s case: slavery did not exist under the law in Scotland. Scotland. The last slave got free from his owner of the local coal mine in 1799.