

A.阿拉拍 B.拉丁 C.希腊 D.罗马
A.元音 元音字母 B.元音 元音
C.元音字母 元音 D.元音字母 元音字母
6、There is some _A___ in my purse
A. money B. photos C. cards D. keys
7、The twins are_D___.
A. on the different row B. in different row
C. in the different row D. in different rows
8、In an English-Chinese dictionary ,the word “act” comes_B__ “all”
A. after B. before C. in D. to
9、_C__ funny time to make breakfast with you!
A. What is B. How C. what a D. How a
10、--Kate , I’m sorry I’m late. --___C__
A. Right B. All right C. That’s all right D. You are right
11、There are about forty _C_in our school.
A. man teacher B. man teachers
C. men teachers D. men teacher
12、- Meimei, it’s kind of you to help me with my English.
A. My pleasure B. You’re all right
C. No problem D. It’s my work
13、The river is too deep. You’d better __ it by yourself.
A. don’t cross B. not do cross
C. not across D. not cross
14、Henan is in the __ of China.
A. south B. north C. west D. east
15、I have no brothers __ sister.
A. but B. and C. or D. /
16、A famous boy was born __ a cold morning in 1995.
A. at B. in C. on D. /
17、which is your kite , Tom?
The red __ in the sky.
A. it B. this C. that D. one
18、-How do you like the red coat?
A. Yes , I like its color B. Yes. I don’t like it
C. I like it very much D. No, I don’t like it
19、They like going to the movies with their friends in China and __ sports.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
20、___ are all in Class Eight.
A. You, I and she B. I you and she
C. She , you and he D. You , she and I
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise, “Ding dong, ding dong ”. It goes, every quarter of an hour.
The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder.
21、Big Ben is____.
A. a bus B. a clock C. the name of Ben D. a house
22、Big Ben is in ____.
A. China B. the USA C. Japan D. the UK
23、The clock strikes(敲打) every ___ of an hour.
A. ten minutes B. fifteen minutes
C. thirty minutes D. forty – five minutes
24、You can read the time of Big Ben____.
A. at the top of the clock tower
B. in the Houses of Parliament
C. on the hands of the huge clock
D. on the four faces of the clock
25、The underlined(画线部分)word “hands” means__ in Chinese.
A. 手 B. 标志 C. 指针 D. 发条
Do you know the tree frog?
Birds live in trees. Squirrels live in trees. But do you know that some frogs live in trees, too?
The tree frog is hard to find. It can change its color. On green leaves, it stays green. On a brown branch, it turns brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to gold or blue.
Tree frogs have legs and wide feet They have sticky pads(黏性的肉趾) at the end of their toes These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling. Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑点) on their skins. Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes, and others have bright red ones.
The sounds they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking. Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore. There is even a frog that whistles!
26、Tree frogs are hard to find because ____.
A. they stay in trees B. they can change their colors
C. they have sticky pads D. they make surprising sounds
27、If it is spring, the color of tree frogs is ____.
A. gold B. brown C. green D. blue
28、Tree frog can stay in trees because___.
A. they have sticky pads B. they can change their colors
C. they make surprising sounds
D. they have green or bright red eyes
29、The underlined word “whistles” means__ in Chinese.
A. 跳高 B. 吹口哨 C. 爬树 D. 千变万化
30、The passage is mainly about ___ .
A. the colors of a special frog B. the sounds of a special frog
C. the eyes of a special frog D. a special frog
Today, many people don’t carry a lot of coins or even paper money with them. They use bankcards. Bankcards are small, plastic cards that computers in stores can read. The computers tell the band to pay the storeowner for what someone buys in a store. The person needs to pay the bank.
Plastic bankcards can be useful. People don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper money. Computers can keep track of (与…保持联系)lost bankcards. However, bankcards are not money. People need to pay the bank for the things they buy.
31、what are bankcards? They are __.
A. paper money that people buy at a store
B. plastic cards that people can use like money
C. computers that give people money
D. plastic cards that a person can buy at a store
32、If we want to use bankcards, what should we do?
A. We should buy a card at a store
B. We should have some gold and silver
C. We should have plastic
D. We should put money in the bank
33、Why do people think of using bankcards to pay the bank?
A. Because they don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper money
B. Because they don’t have any money
C. Because they don’t want to leave their coins at stores
D. Because they are coins or paper money
34、Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Bankcards are very useful
B. Computers can keep track of lost bankcards
C. Many people use bankcards
D. People don’t have to pay the bank
35、What should we do if our bankcards are lost?
A. We should call the police
B. We should buy a new one
C. The computers can keep track of the lost bankcards
D. We will not use them again
In our school we can do a lot of sports. The school says we must all learn to swim, so we go swimming once a week all the year. We can do other sports, too. The girls and boys sometimes play different sports. For example, about 90% of the boys but only half of the girls go running every morning.
In winter we do some sports and in summer we do other sports. In winter about 80% of the boys play football. Just over half of the boys play basketball, but only a few play volleyball ( they think it’s a girl’s game). In summer about 70% of the boys play crieket and only 30% play tennis.
In winter, the girls can now play football, too. But only a few choose it. About two third of the girls play volleyball, and a quarter play basketball. In summer, a lot of girls play tennis, about 60%, and about 40% do aerobics(健美操).
36 、How many times do the students go swimming in a year?

37、Which sports do boys do in winter?

38、If there are 240 girls in this school, how many of them will play basketball in winter?

39、Most of the boys think____ is a girl’s game.

40、Which sports do girls do in summer?

根据Jimmy 的时间和活动安排,完成他的日记,每空一词。

Time and
Activities 7 AM, have breakfast
8 AM, go to the Health center by bus
9 AM, play basketball
11 AM, have lunch in a restaurant
12 AM, see the movie Sleepless Night
2 PM, go to my grandma’s on foot
Day: Friday
Date:41_______________ (42)_________________
Today is May Day. I don’t have classer. At 7:00 in the(43)___ I have breakfast. I like to (44)___ basketball. So I decide to go to the Health Center in the city. After breakfast I go there by(45)___. There are many people in the center. I play(46)___ for about two hours. Then I have(47)___ in a restaurant. After lunch I go to (48)___ cinema. The(49)___ of the film is Sleepless Night. It’s very exciting. Then I (50)___ to my grandma’s at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
51、迈克的汽车牌号是多少?(car number)

52、我的书桌上没有许多书。(there be)

53、对我来说,学好英语不容易。(not easy, for me)

54、我认为数学没有趣。(be interesting )

55、他们为早饭订购了一些牛奶。(order, for)

56、There are two fathers and two sons. How many people at least are there? __________
57、Which is the medicine(药) for your head in the English letters? It is _____
58、The total(总) ages of two boys is now seventeen, what will it be in six years’ time? ¬¬¬¬______
59、What will you do first in the morning?______
60、Lucy was hit by a car. The car was broken, but she was ok. Why?______________________________
请认My bedroom 为题写一篇作文。

一、1-5 B B D C B 6-10 A D B C C
11-15 C A D B C 16-20 C D C D D
二、21-25 B D B D C 26-30 B C A B D 31-35 B D A D C
36、52 times.
37、Football, basketball, volleyball, swimming and running.
38、60 39、volleyball 40、tennis, aerobics
三、41、May 42、1st 43、morning 44、play 45、bus
46、basketball 47、lunch 48、the 49、name 50、walk
四、51 What’s Mike’s car number?
52 There are not a lot of books on my desk.
53 It’s not easy for me to study English well.
54 I don’t think math is interesting.
55 They order some milk for breakfast.
五、56 Three 57 APC 58. 29 59 Open my eyes 60 It is a toy car
第1个回答  2009-05-14