
(1) 缄默。别格(bigger)一家四口同住在一个狭小的出租房间里,这里暗无天日,鼠害成灾。母亲是一个虔诚的基督教徒,妹妹胆小怕事,沉默寡言,弟弟唯唯诺诺。对这一切,别格充满了怨恨、耻辱、痛苦和愤怒。他的家庭以及那个白人世界让他觉得他是一个局外人。他成了一个没有良知,没有希望,没有爱和宗教的人。这一切导致了他的缄默性格。

从文章的描写中我们可以看出,别格和他的母亲在思想观念方面相去甚远。母亲认为全能的上帝给他们以无尽的关怀,饿了,给他们食物;有危险,给他们以安全的保护。然而,别格不相信主的存在,否则主不会让他们生活得那么痛苦。他甚至不愿意和自己的母亲说话,他恨自己,恨他的家庭,更恨这个白人世界。他不认为给白人当下人是一件值得感激和庆幸的事情。他知道自己别无选择,要么给白人当仆人,要么挨饿,这种痛苦的选择让他发疯。他的母亲不理解他,他也不能苟同母亲,因此,他没法和母亲沟通,对母亲的问话他也无话可说。一方面,他不认为黑人就应该低白人一等,而另一方面,他又不得不给白人当下人,生活在这种矛盾的环境中,他感到无助和困惑。在他看来,白人冷漠、敌意,他们会因为黑人是黑人而杀掉他们,他们在和你握手的同时会割断你的咽喉( Elliott ,1991) 。所以,他不能接受玛丽小姐和她男友简的友好,比如:让他和他们一起坐在车的前排座位,一起在餐厅吃饭,让他称呼他们简和玛丽而不是简先生和玛丽小姐,对这些,别格感到既恐惧又迷惑。同时又对玛丽和简怀有无声的、冷酷的和不可名状的仇恨。他看到白人整天歌舞升平,大把大把地花钱,而自己连一个像样的住处都没有。由于内心的不平衡,由于没法改变这不公平的社会,由于害怕和愤恨,和白人在一起,他总是缄默不语,封闭自己,和白人保持心里上的距离。
(2) 愤世嫉俗。除了缄默,别格还愤世嫉俗。他时不时地自言自语,遇到他的同类朋友,他会把自己的抱怨一股脑地讲出来,以此来倾泄自己的痛苦、屈辱和愤恨。在他看来,白人想要什么就有什么,想干什么就能干什么,而他,没有钱、没有权、没有选择。甚至躲到电影院看一场电影,也付不起票费。白人不仅有千百种工作可以选择,他们拥有生活想要的一切。可黑人在教育方面以及在公共交通、剧院、旅馆等社会服务方面都遭受非人的待遇。由于是黑人,别格的自我发展计划总是受阻,他曾说,如果能有机会在空校学习,他定能开飞机,可直到死,他也没有这个机会。除了在财富和自由方面的天壤之别令他愤世嫉俗外,别格知道这个社会存在衡量个人行为的双重标准,当他看到高高的海报上写着“IF YOUBREAK THE LAW,YOU CAN’T WIN !”别格吸了口烟,默默地笑了,因为他知道有两种法律,一种是为白人的,另一种是为黑人的,公正和平等只是幻想。抢劫黑人很容易,因为警察根本不关心黑人,而抢劫白人是万万不能的,因为法律是用来保护白人的。

第1个回答  2009-03-29
  silence. Other cell (bigger), a four living in a small rented room, where dark, rodent plague. Mother is a devout Christian, sister of timidity, reticence, my brother stuck. All this, do not grid full of resentment, humiliation, pain and anger. His family, as well as the white world, let him feel that he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. All this led to his silent character.

  From the description in the article we can see that in other cell and his mother at the concept of a far cry from the idea. Mothers think the Almighty to give them endless care, hungry, give them food; there is dangerous, to give them the protection of safety. However, other cells do not believe that God's existence, otherwise the main will not let their lives be so painful. He even refuses to speak his mother, he hated himself, hated his family, but also hate the white world. He does not think the current white people give are something to be grateful and fortunate thing. He knows that he has no choice, either to the white when the servant, or who suffer from hunger, the painful choice to allow him crazy. His mother did not understand him, he also can not agree with the mother, and he is therefore unable to communicate and mother, mother's questioning of him would have nothing to say. On the one hand, he did not think blacks should be low-class whites, while on the other hand, he had to give the current white people living in such a contradictory environment, he felt helpless and confused. In his view, the white indifference, hostility, they will because blacks are black and kill them, and they shook hands at the same time and you will cut your throat (Elliott, 1991). Therefore, he could not accept Miss Mary Jane and her boyfriend, friendship, such as: Let him sit with them in the front seat car, with a meal in a restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary Jane instead of Mr. and Miss Mary, of these, do not feel fear and grid confusing. At the same time on the Queen Mary and Jane have a silent, cold and indescribable hatred. He saw the white carnivals throughout the day, a lot a lot to spend, and their not even a proper residence at all. Heart because of the imbalance can not be changed because of an unfair society, because of fear and resentment, and white together, he was always silent, closed themselves, and white on the distance to keep in mind.
  (2) cynical. In addition to silence, do not mesh also cynical. Him talking to himself from time to time, encounter similar his friends, he would complain about their own一股脑to speak out, as a means of dumping their own suffering, humiliation and resentment. In his view, there is what whites want, want what we can do, and he, no money, no power, no choice. Hid in the cinema or even watch a movie, but also can not afford the ticket fee. Whites not only have thousand kinds of job can choose, they all want to have a livelihood. May be black in the area of education as well as in public transport, theaters, hotels and other social services have been subjected to inhuman treatment. Because blacks are, do not mesh self-development plan is always blocked, he said, if we can have the opportunity to study at the school space, he will be able to plane can be up to die, he did not this opportunity. In addition to wealth and freedom to make a huge difference between him cynical, the other grid know this society exist to measure the individual acts of double standards, when he saw a poster on the high read "IF YOUBREAK THE LAW, YOU CAN'T WIN ! "Do not smoke lattice absorption of the mouth, smiled quietly, because he knows there are two laws, one is for whites, another for blacks, justice and equality is an illusion. Black is easy robbery, because police do not really care about blacks, whites and robbery are totally unacceptable because the laws are used to protect whites.
  Don't (bigger) for a family of four with living in a cramped rent rooms, here, rat infested with dark. Mother is a devout Christian, sister timid, silent, brother too compliant. All of this case, don't hate, filled with shame, pain and anger. His family and the white world let him feel he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. It all led to his silent character.

  In the article, we can see, don't and his mother in the aspects of ideology. Mother think god almighty give them with endless care, hungry, give them food, Danger, and give them to safety protection. However, the existence of the case does not believe, otherwise the won't let them live in so much pain. He wouldn't even speak his mother and he hated his hatred of his family, and more white world hate this. He didn't think the white man is now a grateful and rejoice. He knew he had to whites, or when the servants, or starving, the painful choices make him mad. His mother does not understand, he also did not agree with her mother, therefore, he can't communicate, mother and mother of the question he also have nothing to say. On one hand, he didn't think black is white, but should be low, on the other hand, he had to live in the present white, the contradiction of the environment, he felt helpless and confusion. In his opinion, white apathy, hostility, they will kill blacks are black and because of them, and you will be cut off your handshake at the throat (Elliott, 1991). So, he cannot accept miss Mary and her boyfriend, Jane, such as: the friendly with them and let him sit in the front seats, with the restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary not to miss Mary and Jane, sir, for the grid, don't feel fear and puzzled. Also to Mary and Jane are silent, cold and ineffable hatred. He saw all white, the musical spending, and even a decent dwelling. Due to the inner imbalance, because it can change the social fairness, jealousy, and fear, and because he always white together, silent, closed, and maintain the distance in white.
  (2) cynical. Besides, still cynical grid in silence. He was continually soliloquize, meet his friend, he will put its own complain a stream of speaking out, in order to pour their pain, humiliation and jealousy. In his opinion, white for what you want, want to do what he could do anything, no money, no rights, no choice. Even to the cinema to see a movie, also can't afford PiaoFei. Not only have hundreds of white, they can choose to work with all the life wants. But in education and black in public transportation, theater, hotel and social services are suffering the inhuman treatment. Because it is black, don't the self development plan is blocked, he once said, if you will have the opportunity to study in school, he must empty can fly, but unto death, he also have no this opportunity. In addition to THE big wealth and freedom to him, don't know glen cynical social existence THE measure of THE behavior of THE individual is a double standard, when he saw tall poster "IF my YOUBREAK rage, 'T WIN!" Don't smoke, and a mouth sucked lattice silently laughing, because he knows that there are two types of laws, one is white, the other is a kind of black, is fair and just fantasy. Robbery is easy, because black police didn't care about black and white robbery is nothing, because the law is to protect the white.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-17
难啊 ~~~ 我还没有到那种水平 sorry啊
第3个回答  2009-03-19
(1) silence. Other cell (bigger), a four living in a small rented room, where dark, rodent plague. Mother is a devout Christian, sister of timidity, reticence, my brother stuck. All this, do not grid full of resentment, humiliation, pain and anger. His family, as well as the white world, let him feel that he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. All this led to his silent character.

From the description in the article we can see that in other cell and his mother at the concept of a far cry from the idea. Mothers think the Almighty to give them endless care, hungry, give them food; there is dangerous, to give them the protection of safety. However, other cells do not believe that God's existence, otherwise the main will not let their lives be so painful. He even refuses to speak his mother, he hated himself, hated his family, but also hate the white world. He does not think the current white people give are something to be grateful and fortunate thing. He knows that he has no choice, either to the white when the servant, or who suffer from hunger, the painful choice to allow him crazy. His mother did not understand him, he also can not agree with the mother, and he is therefore unable to communicate and mother, mother's questioning of him would have nothing to say. On the one hand, he did not think blacks should be low-class whites, while on the other hand, he had to give the current white people living in such a contradictory environment, he felt helpless and confused. In his view, the white indifference, hostility, they will because blacks are black and kill them, and they shook hands at the same time and you will cut your throat (Elliott, 1991). Therefore, he could not accept Miss Mary Jane and her boyfriend, friendship, such as: Let him sit with them in the front seat car, with a meal in a restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary Jane instead of Mr. and Miss Mary, of these, do not feel fear and grid confusing. At the same time on the Queen Mary and Jane have a silent, cold and indescribable hatred. He saw the white carnivals throughout the day, a lot a lot to spend, and their not even a proper residence at all. Heart because of the imbalance can not be changed because of an unfair society, because of fear and resentment, and white together, he was always silent, closed themselves, and white on the distance to keep in mind.
(2) cynical. In addition to silence, do not mesh also cynical. Him talking to himself from time to time, encounter similar his friends, he would complain about their own一股脑to speak out, as a means of dumping their own suffering, humiliation and resentment. In his view, there is what whites want, want what we can do, and he, no money, no power, no choice. Hid in the cinema or even watch a movie, but also can not afford the ticket fee. Whites not only have thousand kinds of job can choose, they all want to have a livelihood. May be black in the area of education as well as in public transport, theaters, hotels and other social services have been subjected to inhuman treatment. Because blacks are, do not mesh self-development plan is always blocked, he said, if we can have the opportunity to study at the school space, he will be able to plane can be up to die, he did not this opportunity. In addition to wealth and freedom to make a huge difference between him cynical, the other grid know this society exist to measure the individual acts of double standards, when he saw a poster on the high read "IF YOUBREAK THE LAW, YOU CAN'T WIN ! "Do not smoke lattice absorption of the mouth, smiled quietly, because he knows there are two laws, one is for whites, another for blacks, justice and equality is an illusion. Black is easy robbery, because police do not really care about blacks, whites and robbery are totally unacceptable because the laws are used to protect whites.
第4个回答  2009-03-24
(1) silence. Other cell (bigger), a four living in a small rented room, where dark, rodent plague. Mother is a devout Christian, sister of timidity, reticence, my brother stuck. All this, do not grid full of resentment, humiliation, pain and anger. His family, as well as the white world, let him feel that he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. All this led to his silent character.

From the description in the article we can see that in other cell and his mother at the concept of a far cry from the idea. Mothers think the Almighty to give them endless care, hungry, give them food; there is dangerous, to give them the protection of safety. However, other cells do not believe that God's existence, otherwise the main will not let their lives be so painful. He even refuses to speak his mother, he hated himself, hated his family, but also hate the white world. He does not think the current white people give are something to be grateful and fortunate thing. He knows that he has no choice, either to the white when the servant, or who suffer from hunger, the painful choice to allow him crazy. His mother did not understand him, he also can not agree with the mother, and he is therefore unable to communicate and mother, mother's questioning of him would have nothing to say. On the one hand, he did not think blacks should be low-class whites, while on the other hand, he had to give the current white people living in such a contradictory environment, he felt helpless and confused. In his view, the white indifference, hostility, they will because blacks are black and kill them, and they shook hands at the same time and you will cut your throat (Elliott, 1991). Therefore, he could not accept Miss Mary Jane and her boyfriend, friendship, such as: Let him sit with them in the front seat car, with a meal in a restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary Jane instead of Mr. and Miss Mary, of these, do not feel fear and grid confusing. At the same time on the Queen Mary and Jane have a silent, cold and indescribable hatred. He saw the white carnivals throughout the day, a lot a lot to spend, and their not even a proper residence at all. Heart because of the imbalance can not be changed because of an unfair society, because of fear and resentment, and white together, he was always silent, closed themselves, and white on the distance to keep in mind.

(2) cynical. In addition to silence, do not mesh also cynical. Him talking to himself from time to time, encounter similar his friends, he would complain about their own一股脑to speak out, as a means of dumping their own suffering, humiliation and resentment. In his view, there is what whites want, want what we can do, and he, no money, no power, no choice. Hid in the cinema or even watch a movie, but also can not afford the ticket fee. Whites not only have thousand kinds of job can choose, they all want to have a livelihood. May be black in the area of education as well as in public transport, theaters, hotels and other social services have been subjected to inhuman treatment. Because blacks are, do not mesh self-development plan is always blocked, he said, if we can have the opportunity to study at the school space, he will be able to plane can be up to die, he did not this opportunity. In addition to wealth and freedom to make a huge difference between him cynical, the other grid know this society exist to measure the individual acts of double standards, when he saw a poster on the high read "IF YOUBREAK THE LAW, YOU CAN'T WIN ! "Do not smoke lattice absorption of the mouth, smiled quietly, because he knows there are two laws, one is for whites, another for blacks, justice and equality is an illusion. Black is easy robbery, because police do not really care about blacks, whites and robbery are totally unacceptable because the laws are used to protect whites.
第5个回答  2009-03-27
Silence. Other cell (bigger), a four living in a small rented room, where dark, rodent plague. Mother is a devout Christian, sister of timidity, reticence, my brother stuck. All this, do not grid full of resentment, humiliation, pain and anger. His family, as well as the white world, let him feel that he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. All this led to his silent character.

From the description in the article we can see that in other cell and his mother at the concept of a far cry from the idea. Mothers think the Almighty to give them endless care, hungry, give them food; there is the risk of safety to give them protection. However, other cells do not believe that God's existence, otherwise the main will not let their lives be so painful. He even refuses to speak his mother, he hated himself, hated his family, but also hate the white world. He does not think the current white people give are something to be grateful and fortunate thing. He knows that he has no choice, either to the white when the servant, or who suffer from hunger, the painful choice to allow him crazy. His mother did not understand him, he also can not agree with the mother, and he is therefore unable to communicate and mother, mother's questioning of him would have nothing to say. On the one hand, he did not think blacks should be low-class whites, while on the other hand, he had to give the current white people living in such a contradictory environment, he felt helpless and confused. In his view, the white indifference, hostility, they will because blacks are black and kill them, and they shook hands at the same time and you will cut your throat (Elliott, 1991). Therefore, he could not accept Miss Mary Jane and her boyfriend, friendship, such as: Let him sit with them in the front seat car, with a meal in a restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary Jane instead of Mr. and Miss Mary, of these, do not feel fear and grid confusing. At the same time on the Queen Mary and Jane have a silent, cold and indescribable hatred. He saw the white carnivals throughout the day, a lot a lot to spend, and their not even a proper residence at all. Heart because of the imbalance can not be changed because of an unfair society, because of fear and resentment, and white together, he was always silent, closed themselves, and white on the distance to keep in mind.
(2) cynical. In addition to silence, do not mesh also cynical. Him talking to himself from time to time, encounter similar his friends, he would complain about their own一股脑to speak out, as a means of dumping their own suffering, humiliation and resentment. In his view, there is what whites want, want what we can do, and he, no money, no power, no choice. Hid in the cinema or even watch a movie, but also can not afford the ticket fee. Whites not only have thousand kinds of job can choose, they all want to have a livelihood. May be black in the area of education as well as in public transport, theaters, hotels and other social services have been subjected to inhuman treatment. Because blacks are, do not mesh self-development plan is always blocked, he said, if we can have the opportunity to study at the school space, he will be able to plane can be up to die, he did not this opportunity. In addition to wealth and freedom to make a huge difference between him cynical, the other grid know this society exist to measure the individual acts of double standards, when he saw a poster on the high read "IF YOUBREAK THE LAW, YOU CAN'T WIN ! "Do not smoke lattice absorption of the mouth, smiled quietly, because he knows there are two laws, one is for whites, another for blacks, justice and equality is an illusion. Black is easy robbery, because police do not really care about blacks, whites and robbery are totally unacceptable because the laws are used to protect whites.