
狗和影子(The Dog and the Shadow) It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more. 一只狗嘴里衔着一块肉,走过一条河上面的桥,看见他自己在水里的影子,以为是另一只狗,那时狗衔着的肉,比他自己的还要大一倍。因此他仍掉自己的那一块,狠狠地扑向那只狗,想夺到那一块较大的肉。结果两头都落了空,因为他想要抓取在水中的那一块,只不过是一个影子,而原来的那一块,也被水冲走了。

(1). "sth.+happen+地点/时间",意为"某地/某时发生了某事"。例如:
An accident happened in that street.那条街发生了一起事故。
What's happening outside?外面发生什么事了?
(2). "sth.+happen to+sb."意为"某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)"。例如:
A car accident happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生了交通事故。
What happened to you?(=What was wrong / the matter with you?)你怎么啦?
(3). "sb.+happen+to do sth."意为"某人碰巧做某事"。例如:
I happened to meet her in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见她。
It happened that I was out when he called.他来访时我碰巧不在。

2.a piece of 固定词组.表示“一块,一片,一张,一双,一条等”
a piece of meat 表示“一块肉”

3.on his way home 在他回家的路上
另外还有,on one's way to school 在某人去学校的路上。
在这里,on one's way to... 在某人去某地的路上,one用人物代替,to后面跟地点,但是因为home是副词,所以不加to

4.look down
look down:向下看,不带宾语,如:Don't look down while you are on the edge of the cliff. 在悬崖边上别往下看。

5.made up his mind
make up one's mind是下决心,打定主意的意思
I can't make up my mind. 我下不了决心。

6. drop into 词组
落入, 偶然进入, 不知不觉变得, 训斥

我建议你以后再背文章的时候可以先背里面的单词,然后词组,然后一句一句的背,最后把这一句一句的连起来背可能会好一些,我以前学英语的时候也是这么背的。然后你再抽时间把一个单词的相关词组或语法都查一下,比如drop,除了drop into ,还有drop off(是指入睡或减少),drop out(是指中途退学或脱离社会)把一片文章的相关知识都熟悉一下,坚持下去,肯定会有效果的!加油哦!