
At the end of their studies, our students have acquired a good knowledge of French and English, as the IVP Higher Certificate in Finishing Course programs are taught in English and the other subjects are given in French, Upon leaving Surval, our students are extraordinarily accomplished women. They possess extensive knowledge of how to behave in their private lives. They have also acquired a background that gives them a good start in their professional lives.

第1个回答  2009-03-24
在结束他们的学习,我们的学生已取得了良好的知识,法语和英语,因为造影整理高级证书课程计划以英语教授,在其他科目中给出了法国,在离开Surval ,我们的学生非常的成就妇女。他们拥有广泛的知识,如何表现自己的私人生活。他们还获得了背景下,让他们有一个良好的开端,他们的职业生活。
第2个回答  2009-03-24
第3个回答  2009-03-24
在结束他们的学习,我们学生已取得了良好法语和英语的知识,,因为IVP高级证书最终课程计划以英语教授,在其他科目中则以法国,在离开Surval ,我们学生是非常有教养的妇女。他们拥有广泛的知识如何使自己的私人生活检点。他们还获得了在他们的职业生涯有一个良好开端的背景。