英语八年级上册U1-U3的self check和语法原文+翻译


unit 1 self check

1.i want to work for myself when i'm older
2.my friends keep a pet pig in their house.
3.i need to look smart for my job interview.
4.we have to wear a uniform to school.
5.one day people will fly to the moon for vacations.
will there be less pollution?污染会小些吗?
no,there won't.不,不会.
there will be more pollution.回有更多的污染
will there be fewer trees?树会少些吗?
yes,there will.对,会有的
kids won't go to school.孩子们不用去上学
kids will sduty at home on computers.

unit 2 self check
1.let's call up joe and invite him to play tennis.
2.you should talk about your problems with your parents.
3.my friend is angry with me.what should i say to him?
4.i don't want to argue .let's forget it.
5.i thought i failed my test buti just found out i passed!
what should i do ?我该怎么办?
you should write hin a letter.你该给他写信
what should he do ?他该怎么办?
maybe he should say he's sorry.也许他该说声对不起.
what shold they do?他们该怎么办?
they should talk their problems.他们应该谈论他们自身的问题

unit 3 self check
1.the girl was shopping when she saw a car accident.
2.i was sotired this moring.it was diffcult to took get of the bed
3.my flight to new yorktook off from beijing international airport.
4.it was raining when the planelanded in london.
5.don't shout !i can here you.
the boy was walkingdown the street when the ufolanded.飞碟着陆时他正在街上走.
while the boy was walking down the street ,the ufo landed.男孩正在街上走路时,飞碟着陆了
the girl was shopping when the aline got out.外星人走出来时,那女孩在买东西.
while the girl was shopping ,the aline got out.女孩正在购物时,外星人出来了