

五一国际劳动节wǔ yī guó jì láo dòng jié亦称"五一节",定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。

Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home

此节源于美国芝加哥城的工人大罢工.1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一万六千余名工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利.为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年7 月第二国际宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节.这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应.1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益.从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会,游行,以示庆祝.







5月1日,国际劳动节,它是全世界工人阶级斗争的历史纪念,每个国家都很重视它,尤其是美国,加拿大,南非.事件起因是, 1880年美国工人游行集会要求8小时工作制.1884年,联邦贸易组织通过了一项解决方案,以立法的形式规定从1886年5月1日开始执行每日8 小时工作制,但此后,工人们仍然被强迫每天工作10小时,12小时,甚至14小时,这使得该项立法明有实亡,而各地的联邦首脑对此却表示出十分冷淡和不友好的态度,于是一场为争取8小时工作的罢工开始了.

世界各国过"五一" 庆祝特色各千秋
























第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-14
May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the USA, linked to the battle for the eight-hour day, and the Chicago anarchists.
Anarchists in particular were harassed, and eight of Chicago's most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing. A kangaroo court found all eight guilty, despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower, and they were sentenced to die. In October 9, 1886, the weekly journal Knights of Labor published in Chicago, carried on page 1 the following announcement: "Next week we begin the publication of the lives of the anarchists advertised in another column." The advertisement, carried on page 14, read: "The story of the anarchists, told by themselves; Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Fischer, Lingg, Engle, Neebe. The only true history of the men who claim that they are condemned to suffer death for exercising the right of Free Speech: Their association with Labor, Socialistic and Anarchistic Societies, their views as to the aims and objects of these organizations, and how they expect to accomplish them; also their connection with the Chicago Haymarket Affair. Each man is the author of his own story, which will appear only in the "Knights of Labor" during the next three months, - the great labor paper of the United States, a 16-page weekly paper, containing all the latest foreign and domestic labor news of the day, stories, household hints, etc. A co-operative paper owned and controlled by members of the Knights of Labor, and furnished for the small sum of $1.00 per annum . Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company, 163 Washington St., Chicago, Ill." Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men.
Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison. The authorities turned over the bodies to friends for burial, and one of the largest funeral processions in Chicago history was held. It was estimated that between 150,000 to 500,000 persons lined the route taken by the funeral cortege of the Haymarket martyrs. A monument to the executed men was unveiled June 25, 1893 at Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago. The remaining three, Samuel Fielden, Oscar Neebe and Michael Schwab, were finally pardoned in 1893.
Labor's Day is on May 1st.
Labor's Day is an international day for workers.
Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.
The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content.
Many people choose to travel.
And some others will go to the cinema. S
ome will go to parks.
And others will stay at home.
On June 26, 1893, the governor of Illinois, John Peter Altgeld, issued the pardon message in which he made it clear that he was not granting the pardon because he believed that the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried, and that they and the hanged men had been the victims of hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge. He noted that the defendants were not proven guilty because the state "has never discovered who it was that threw the bomb which killed the policeman, and the evidence does not show any connection whatsoever between the defendants and the man who threw it."
As workers, we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it's historical significance, but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to the working-class, i.e. the people, of today.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-04-29
May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the USA, linked to the battle for the eight-hour day, and the Chicago anarchists.
Anarchists in particular were harassed, and eight of Chicago's most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing. A kangaroo court found all eight guilty, despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower, and they were sentenced to die. In October 9, 1886, the weekly journal Knights of Labor published in Chicago, carried on page 1 the following announcement: "Next week we begin the publication of the lives of the anarchists advertised in another column." The advertisement, carried on page 14, read: "The story of the anarchists, told by themselves; Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Fischer, Lingg, Engle, Neebe. The only true history of the men who claim that they are condemned to suffer death for exercising the right of Free Speech: Their association with Labor, Socialistic and Anarchistic Societies, their views as to the aims and objects of these organizations, and how they expect to accomplish them; also their connection with the Chicago Haymarket Affair. Each man is the author of his own story, which will appear only in the "Knights of Labor" during the next three months, - the great labor paper of the United States, a 16-page weekly paper, containing all the latest foreign and domestic labor news of the day, stories, household hints, etc. A co-operative paper owned and controlled by members of the Knights of Labor, and furnished for the small sum of $1.00 per annum . Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company, 163 Washington St., Chicago, Ill." Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men.
Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison. The authorities turned over the bodies to friends for burial, and one of the largest funeral processions in Chicago history was held. It was estimated that between 150,000 to 500,000 persons lined the route taken by the funeral cortege of the Haymarket martyrs. A monument to the executed men was unveiled June 25, 1893 at Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago. The remaining three, Samuel Fielden, Oscar Neebe and Michael Schwab, were finally pardoned in 1893.
Labor's Day is on May 1st.
Labor's Day is an international day for workers.
Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.
The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content.
Many people choose to travel.
And some others will go to the cinema. S
ome will go to parks.
And others will stay at home.
On June 26, 1893, the governor of Illinois, John Peter Altgeld, issued the pardon message in which he made it clear that he was not granting the pardon because he believed that the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried, and that they and the hanged men had been the victims of hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge. He noted that the defendants were not proven guilty because the state "has never discovered who it was that threw the bomb which killed the policeman, and the evidence does not show any connection whatsoever between the defendants and the man who threw it."
As workers, we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it's historical significance, but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to the working-class, i.e. the people, of today.
第3个回答  2009-05-01
May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the USA, linked to the battle for the eight-hour day, and the Chicago anarchists.
Anarchists in particular were harassed, and eight of Chicago's most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing. A kangaroo court found all eight guilty, despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower, and they were sentenced to die. In October 9, 1886, the weekly journal Knights of Labor published in Chicago, carried on page 1 the following announcement: "Next week we begin the publication of the lives of the anarchists advertised in another column." The advertisement, carried on page 14, read: "The story of the anarchists, told by themselves; Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Fischer, Lingg, Engle, Neebe. The only true history of the men who claim that they are condemned to suffer death for exercising the right of Free Speech: Their association with Labor, Socialistic and Anarchistic Societies, their views as to the aims and objects of these organizations, and how they expect to accomplish them; also their connection with the Chicago Haymarket Affair. Each man is the author of his own story, which will appear only in the "Knights of Labor" during the next three months, - the great labor paper of the United States, a 16-page weekly paper, containing all the latest foreign and domestic labor news of the day, stories, household hints, etc. A co-operative paper owned and controlled by members of the Knights of Labor, and furnished for the small sum of $1.00 per annum . Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company, 163 Washington St., Chicago, Ill." Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men.
Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison. The authorities turned over the bodies to friends for burial, and one of the largest funeral processions in Chicago history was held. It was estimated that between 150,000 to 500,000 persons lined the route taken by the funeral cortege of the Haymarket martyrs. A monument to the executed men was unveiled June 25, 1893 at Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago. The remaining three, Samuel Fielden, Oscar Neebe and Michael Schwab, were finally pardoned in 1893.
Labor's Day is on May 1st.
Labor's Day is an international day for workers.
Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.
The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content.
Many people choose to travel.
And some others will go to the cinema. S
ome will go to parks.
And others will stay at home.
On June 26, 1893, the governor of Illinois, John Peter Altgeld, issued the pardon message in which he made it clear that he was not granting the pardon because he believed that the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried, and that they and the hanged men had been the victims of hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge. He noted that the defendants were not proven guilty because the state "has never discovered who it was that threw the bomb which killed the policeman, and the evidence does not show any connection whatsoever between the defendants and the man who threw it."
As workers, we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it's historical significance, but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to the working-class, i.e. the people, of today.


第4个回答  2012-04-30
May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the USA, linked to the battle for the eight-hour day, and the Chicago anarchists.
Anarchists in particular were harassed, and eight of Chicago's most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing. A kangaroo court found all eight guilty, despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower, and they were sentenced to die. In October 9, 1886, the weekly journal Knights of Labor published in Chicago, carried on page 1 the following announcement: "Next week we begin the publication of the lives of the anarchists advertised in another column." The advertisement, carried on page 14, read: "The story of the anarchists, told by themselves; Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Fischer, Lingg, Engle, Neebe. The only true history of the men who claim that they are condemned to suffer death for exercising the right of Free Speech: Their association with Labor, Socialistic and Anarchistic Societies, their views as to the aims and objects of these organizations, and how they expect to accomplish them; also their connection with the Chicago Haymarket Affair. Each man is the author of his own story, which will appear only in the "Knights of Labor" during the next three months, - the great labor paper of the United States, a 16-page weekly paper, containing all the latest foreign and domestic labor news of the day, stories, household hints, etc. A co-operative paper owned and controlled by members of the Knights of Labor, and furnished for the small sum of $1.00 per annum . Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company, 163 Washington St., Chicago, Ill." Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men.
Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison. The authorities turned over the bodies to friends for burial, and one of the largest funeral processions in Chicago history was held. It was estimated that between 150,000 to 500,000 persons lined the route taken by the funeral cortege of the Haymarket martyrs. A monument to the executed men was unveiled June 25, 1893 at Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago. The remaining three, Samuel Fielden, Oscar Neebe and Michael Schwab, were finally pardoned in 1893.
Labor's Day is on May 1st.
Labor's Day is an international day for workers.
Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.
The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content.
Many people choose to travel.
And some others will go to the cinema. S
ome will go to parks.
And others will stay at home.
On June 26, 1893, the governor of Illinois, John Peter Altgeld, issued the pardon message in which he made it clear that he was not granting the pardon because he believed that the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried, and that they and the hanged men had been the victims of hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge. He noted that the defendants were not proven guilty because the state "has never discovered who it was that threw the bomb which killed the policeman, and the evidence does not show any connection whatsoever between the defendants and the man who threw it."
As workers, we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it's historical significance, but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to the working-class, i.e. the people, of today.