
From his bulging eyes seemed to spurt inner violence of an uncontrolled vitality which his weakened body could hardly contain.

From his bulging eyes seemed to spurt inner violence of an uncontrolled vitality which his weakened body could hardly contain.

黑体字是句子的主语,这个句子是倒装句。from his bulging eyes 是状语, seem  是系动词,spurt是表语.

正常语序是:Inner violence of uncontrolled vitality which ... contain... seemed to spurt from his bulging eyes.   他的羸弱身躯无法驾驭的,活力爆发的内心挣扎从他暴突的双眼中迸发出来。

第1个回答  2020-03-12
参考答案:his bulging eyes为主语啊