be wrong with与be wrong about有什么区别


be wrong with与be wrong about这两个词组的区别我懂,be wrong with常常被用作主语、谓语及宾语的一部分。be wrong about:通常作为谓语动词的宾语。给大家简单总结了两个词组的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~

接下来让我们看下be wrong with与be wrong about的其他区别:

1. 用法上的区别:

- be wrong with:用于表示某个事物或人的状态或健康有问题。

- be wrong about:用于表示某人对某件事物的理解或观点错误。


- There is something wrong with the car engine. (汽车发动机有问题。)

- He was wrong about the date of the meeting. (他对会议的日期搞错了。)

2. 表示状态的区别:

- be wrong with:用于描述身体或事物上的问题、异常或故障。

- be wrong about:用于描述观点、看法或信息上的错误。


- I think there is something wrong with my computer. (我觉得我的电脑出了点问题。)

- She was wrong about the location of the restaurant. (她对餐厅的位置有误。)

3. 表达对于情况的描述的区别:

- be wrong with:用于指出某人或某物的状态或情况不正常。

- be wrong about:用于表示某人或某物的观点、理解或信念错误。


- There seems to be something wrong with their relationship. (他们的关系似乎有些问题。)

- He was wrong about the outcome of the game. (他对比赛的结果判断错误。)

4. 句子结构上的区别:

- be wrong with:常常被用作主语、谓语及宾语的一部分。

- be wrong about:通常作为谓语动词的宾语。


- Something is wrong with the machine. (机器出了点问题。)

- She realized that she was wrong about the conclusion. (她意识到她在结论上错了。)

第1个回答  2023-11-20

be wrong with与be wrong about这两个词组的区别我懂,给大家简单总结了两个词组的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~

接下来让我们看下be wrong with与be wrong about的其他区别:

1. 对象区别:

"be wrong with"表示某个对象出了问题或有缺陷,而"be wrong about"表示对某个事实、观点或判断的错误。

- 例句:

- There is something wrong with my computer. It won't turn on.(我的电脑出问题了,无法开机。)

- She was wrong about the date of the meeting. It's actually tomorrow.(她对会议日期有所错误,实际上是明天。)

2. 问题性质区别:

 "be wrong with"通常指的是某物体的异常状态或存在故障,而"be wrong about"则强调错误的观点、理解或判断。

- 例句:

- There is something wrong with the engine. It's making a strange noise.(发动机出了点问题,发出奇怪的声音。)

- He was wrong about the answer to the math problem. The correct solution is different.(他对数学题的答案有所错误,正确的解答是不同的。)

3. 语境不同:

 "be wrong with"通常用于描述物体、系统或身体的异常状况,而"be wrong about"则更多用于描述对事实、观点或事件的错误理解。

- 例句:

- There is something wrong with the plumbing. We need to get it fixed.(管道出了点问题,我们需要修理一下。)

- She was wrong about his intentions. He actually wanted to help.(她对他的意图有所误解,他实际上是想帮助的。)

4. 涵盖范围区别: 

"be wrong with"可能包含更广泛的错误或问题,而"be wrong about"则指更具体的错误观点或判断。

- 例句:

- There's something wrong with the design of this building. It doesn't meet safety standards.(这栋建筑物的设计有问题,不符合安全标准。)

- He was wrong about the location of the restaurant. It's actually on Main Street, not Maple Avenue.(他对餐馆的位置有所错误,实际上它在主街上,不是枫树大街。)

第2个回答  2023-11-09

be wrong with意思是引起问题(或麻烦);有毛病,不正常。

be wrong about意思是出错,弄错,有错误。


be wrong with

1、What seems to be wrong with you?


2、Something must be wrong with my leg.


3、Something must be wrong with the work.


4、Something must be wrong with the computer because as there's nothing on the screen.


be wrong about

1、He could be wrong about her. The feeling nagged at him.


2、I might be wrong about that.


3、You would be wrong about that.


4、I might be wrong about that but I have a feeling I used that as an example as one of the ones that was valid in virtue of their form.
