

位置表达</: 当想要描述物体或人在某个空间的后方,英语中可以使用 "behind" 或 "in the back of"。例如:He stood behind me, remaining silent.</

追踪与落后</: 当描述某人跟随或落后的情境时,可以说 "lagging behind" 或 "following at a distance"。例如:She moved at a slower pace, always trailing behind.</

好奇与疑惑</: 如何表达疑惑某人分心或落后的原因?可以这样问 "What are you looking at that has you lagging behind?"

服务交流</: 在小店铺,顾客会向柜台后的店员陈述需求,可以说 "approach the counter and communicate your requirements to the attendant standing behind it."

现象解析</: 《秘密》一书热潮的背后,揭示了吸引力法则如何激发全球的热潮,用英语表达为 "The enthusiasm behind 'The Secret' phenomenon."

神秘行动</: 对于背后的秘密行动,你可能想知道 "What are they up to behind the scenes?"

听觉困惑</: 如果凯特听不清男人的声音,可以说 "Kate struggled to make out the man's voice due to the distance or interference."

吸引力法则的影响</: 《秘密》揭示后,它如何塑造了世界上的普遍观念,可以用 "The world was transformed by the revelations of the Law of Attraction after 'The Secret' was revealed."

行动限制</: 在某些情况下,禁止回头查看,例如 "No回头,严禁查看身后."

数学概念</: 数字0后面通常紧接着数字,即 "通常在0之后书写数字,如10, 200, etc."

紧张追逐</: 当描述一个人被追赶的场景,可以说 "Fueled by fear, he broke into a sprint, as if pursued."

猜测与悬念</: 猜测窗帘后隐藏的物件时,可以用 "What secrets could be lurking behind that curtain?"

心态调整</: 对于位置的不在意,可以用 "What really matters is not what's behind, it's what's ahead."

技术背景</: 在软件开发中,对Scala在底层优化保持警惕,但不直接提及 "One wants to avoid Scala's optimizations under the hood."

翻译规范</: 译本中需要注意单词分隔、标点使用和括号的恰当运用,确保清晰无误 "Careful attention to word separation, punctuation, and bracket usage is crucial in translation."

指导原则</: 告诉别人站在身后,意味着提供未来的支持 "Embrace the instruction: stand behind, guide when needed."

情感复杂性</: 马莲娜的丈夫回归,她隐藏真实情绪,希望他离开 "Marina's husband's return triggered hidden fears, as she wished for his departure in silence."

情绪共鸣</: 在恐惧与哭泣之后,人们通常在事后反思 "Fears and tears often follow in the aftermath of a traumatic experience."

理解代码</: 理解代码背后的逻辑是关键 "Unraveling the code's implicit meaning is crucial for effective comprehension."

日常生活场景</: 妻子在厨房擦地时,可能暗示需要帮助,用英语表达为 "As her wife stood behind, a silent query about assistance hung in the air."

幕后协作</: 软件开发团队在帷幕背后紧密合作,构建复杂系统 "Behind the curtain, software teams collaborate seamlessly to create intricate systems."

隐藏探索</: 寻找隐藏的空间,如墙后或房间深处 "Searches for hidden spaces often target corners or the depths of rooms."

