


To do or not to do is a questions every one asks all the time.
To be a teacher is my dream.

I want to buy a new jacket.
I find it difficult to do Maths.
(我觉得做数学很难。)【it 为形式宾语, to do Maths 是真正的宾语。】
There is nothing we can do but report to the police.
(我们无能为力,只能向警方报告。)【作介词 but 的宾语,to 省略】
I am sorry to tell you that he is ill.
(我很遗憾地告诉你,他生病了。)【作形容词 sorry 的宾语】
This problem is difficult to solve.
(这个问题很难解决)【作形容词 difficult 的宾语,主语为动词不定式的逻辑主语】

This is to be done tomorrow.
The purpose of this thesis is to focus on social issues.

There is nothing to eat.
(没有什么可吃的。)【to eat 充当后置定语,修饰 nothing】
Do you have anything to say to me?
(你有什么要对我说的吗?)【to say 充当后置定语,修饰 anything】

To go to Peking University, you need to do your best.
He returned home to find his house broken in.
We are proud to be living in China.
He waved his hand as if to hire a taxi.
You would be a fool to refuse the money.
(拒绝这笔钱就是傻瓜。)【不定式充当(条件状语),= if you were to refuse the money, you would be a fool】

The school considers him to be the Best Student of the Year.
(学校认为他是年度最佳学生。)【不定式充当宾补,补充说明 him】
We are not allowed to touch the exhibits.
(我们不允许触摸展品。)【不定式充当主补,补充说明 we】



第1个回答  2023-01-15


【V+(sb) do sth】

make sb do sth

have sb do sth

let sb do sth

help sb (to) do sth

see sb do(doing) sth

注意全过程notice do

注意某一个时刻notice doing 

hear sb do(to常去掉)sth.意思是听到某人做某事,强调状态,强调此人一直在做事,而hear sb. doing sth.则强调此人正在做某事,强调动作。

【V+(sb) to do sth】

这个实在是太多太多了,基本上除了特殊记+原型和doing的基本都是to do 用法


try/get/remeber/forget/continue/stop/want/wish/hope/used...to do sth


enable,cause, consider, suppose, dare, reveal, show, prepare, proclaim, report, judge, prove, love, prefer, trust, believe, help, teach, train, remind, forbid, admit, allow, permit等等。

通常只接不定式(而不是动名词)作宾语的动词有: afford 负担得起 agree 同意 arrange 安排 ask 要求 care 想要 choose 决定 decide 决定 demand 要求 determine 决心 expect 期待 fail 未能 hesitate 犹豫 hope 希望 long 渴望 manage 设法 offer 主动提出 plan 计划 prepare 准备 pretend 假装 promise 答应 refuse 拒绝

acknowledge  admit anticipate appreciate avoid consider delay deny dislike enjoy escape excuse ensure fancy involve mind postpone quit recommend resist suggest等。

【V+(sb)/(for)/(from) doing sth】


try/remember/forget/continue/stop...doing sth

finish doing sth. 

finish/mind/practise/enjoy/keep doing sth. 

stop sb.from doing 

look forward to doing sth

like doing

feel like doing 

give up doing 

can’t help doing

be/get used to doing 

be busy doing 

be worth doing 

have fun/problems/troubles doing 

give one’s life to doing 

make a contribution to doing 

What/How about doing? 

be good at doing 



allow/permit/forbid/advise/suggest doing sth(接v-ing做宾语)
allow/permit/forbid/advise sb to sth(接代to不定式做宾补)

【V + sb from doing sth】

    ban sb from doing sth:禁止某人做某事

He was banned from the meeting.他被取消了参加会议的资格。

He was banned from driving for six months.

She`s been banned from leaving Greece.

2. discourage sb from doing sth:


His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.


The weather discouraged most people from attending(出席).

3. deter sb from sth / doing sth 阻止,使不敢

The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.


4. keep sb(from)doing sth:


The church bell kept her from sleeping.


She could hardly keep from laughing.

I juge managed to keep myself from falling.我差一点儿没摔倒。

5. prevent sb (from) doing sth:g阻止某人做某事;阻挠。

He is prevented by law from holding a licence.按法律规定,他不得持有执照。

Nothing would prevented him from speaking out against further injustice.什么也不能阻止他鸣不平。

6. stop sb (from) doing sth:阻止某人做某事;阻挠。

There is nothing to stop you from accepting the offer.

You cannot stop people from saying what they think.


一般来讲,to do sth是没做的事情doing sth已经做的事情
像stop、continue、remember、forget一类的词,stop to do sth是停下来去做另一件事情,stop doing是停下来你正在做的事情;continue doing sth是继续作某事,continue to do sth是继续作另一件事情...总之理解了的话就可以以此类推

欲做某事用like to do,一直喜欢做某事用like doing



