

1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr White____ the visitors around it.
A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing
2. -- Tom works hard at English.?-- _____, and _____.
A. So does he; so you do B. So you do; so is he C. So he will; so do you D. So he does; so do you
3. When you write to him, please _____ him.
A. give my loves to B. give my regard to C. remember me to D. give my wishes for
4. We have done things we ought not to have done and_____ undone things we ought to have done.
A. left B. leave C. will leave D. leaving
5. People are puzzled _____ they read the book.
A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first
6. In some countries,_____ are called "public schools" are not owned by the state.
A. that B. which C. as D. what
7. -- The boy is tall enough _____ his age. --Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age.
A. to; shorter B. at; taller C. at; shorter D. for; shorter
8. --Who are you waiting for? -- _____ the man wounded in the left leg.
A. The doctor will operate on B. Tie nurse to be looked after
C. The doctor to operate on D. His brother got
9. --How did you _____ the movie last night? --Oh, both interesting and instructive.
A. find B. consider C. think D. feel
10. With his son _____, the old man felt unhappy.
A. to disappoint B. to be disappointed C. disappointing D. being disappointed
11. The food tastes _____ and sells _____.
A. well; well B.good; good C. good; well D.well; good
12. The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there _____ more beautiful.
A. making; look B. to make; looked C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked
13. It' s too late to go out now. _____, it's starting to rain.
A. Besides B. Meanwhile C. However D. Anyhow
14. Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher, so we had no ____ finding his home.
A. difficulties in B. difficulty with C. difficulty D. difficulty to
15. I can't understand it, will you please _____ once more?
A. explain that word B. repeat that word C. explain us that word D. explain that word for us
16. --How often do you go to the library?--______.
A. In two days B. Every few days C. Each third day D. Every a few days
17. We are just _____ calling you up _____ you come in.
A. about; when B. on the point of; while C. on the point of; when D. on the point of; as
18. --They all agree _____ George. Has the project been passed?
--Who _____ George can make the final decision?
A. except; expect B. except; besides C. but; but D. besides; but
19. I come to tell you Jack _____ for London next month.
A. is leaving B. is about to leave C. will leave D. would leave
20. You can say "He went there _____, not _____."
A. on the car; by car B.on foot; in his car C. by foot; by car D.in his car; by his foot
1--5 ADCAA 6--10 DDCAC 11--15 CAACA 16--20 BCCAB
第1个回答  2009-05-28

山东省威海市高区一中英语组 王丽娟

Section A


一、We're living in a big world. The weather is different in different places. 你能参照1a的图画,对应每个城市,写出本单元与天气有关的词语。

Beijing ________ ________ Moscow _________ _________

Toronto ________ ________ Boston _________ _________

Shanghai ________ ________




Present Participles(现在分词)

do homework
doing homework

read books

watch TV

write a letter

play basketball


eat dinner


talk on the phone


Present Participles





play computer games

Look at 2a. What activities are they doing? 你能帮忙给这些打电话的对话配音吗?


Picture 1 ____________________________________________________________

Picture 2 ____________________________________________________________

Picture 3 ____________________________________________________________

Picture 4 ____________________________________________________________



A—Audience Y—You

A: How is the weather in Beijing? A: How is the weather in Harbin?

Y: It's _______________. Y: It's _______________.

A: How is the weather in Xi'an? A: How is the weather in Shanghai?

Y: It's _______________. Y: It's _______________.

A: How is the weather in Guangzhou?

Y: It's _______________.



sun(形容词)________ wind(形容词)________

cloudy(名词)________ snowy(名词)________

rainy(动词)_________ pretty(同义词)_________


你能超越我,做一个中英文双语的天气预报主持人吗?试试看。Translate the following into Chinese or English.

1. How's the weather in Weihai? _____________________

2. It's cloudy and raining. ______________________

3. studying math _________________

4. playing soccer _________________

5. 正在做饭 ____________________

6. 那里天气怎么样?_____________________

7. 情况如何?________________________

8. 相当好 ________________________


Boys and girls, are you pretty good actors? Look at the pictures and write what they want to say.


1. 2.

3. 4.



Are you a great listener? Listen to 1b again. If it's True, draw a happy face ; If it's False, draw an unhappy face .

1. The weather in Shanghai is cloudy. ( )

2. It's raining in Boston. ( )

3. It isn't snowing right now in Moscow.( )

4. It's sunny in Beijing. ( )

5. It's usually raining in Toronto. ( )

二、 找朋友

Match the questions with the answers.

( )1. What's Uncle Joe doing? a. He's playing ping-pong.

( )2. What is the weather like? b. He is very well.

( )3. Who is cleaning the room? c. It's snowing hard.

( )4. How is your father? d. At the school gate.

( )5. Where are you waiting for? e. Her mother is.


How is your family? 运用所学知识,描述你的家人正在做什么。当时的天气情况如何呢?大家对你的情况很好奇,快来告诉我们吧!

On Saturday, it’s sunny. My father is __________________________________________________________


第2个回答  2009-05-28
There is a picture. In the picture you can see some hills, trees and a school. You can see some boys and girls. They are at school. The school is NO.4 Middle School. Lingling is twelve. Fangfang is twelve, too. They are in the same class. They are good friends. Miss Li is their teacher and she is a good teacher. ( ) 1.________ is Fangfang and Lingling’s teacher. A. Miss Wang B. Miss Gao C. Mrs. Black D. Miss Li ( ) 2. The boys and girls are ________. A. at school B. at home C. behind the hill D. under a tree ( ) 3. Lingling and Fangfang are ________. A. good friends B. in different grades C. all eleven D. good students ( ) 4. They are in ________. A.NO.3 Middle School B. Xongxing Middle School C.NO.4 Middle School D. NO.5 Middle School ( ) 5. The hills, trees, the school and the students are _______. A. in a book B. on the blackboard C. in a picture D. in the wall
( B ) Mr. Green is our English teacher. He teaches us English every day. He teaches very well. We all like him. He has two children, a son and a daughter. Their names are Jim and Kate. His wife doesn’t work( 工作). She stays at home. Mr. Green and his children go to the same school. They can speak a little Chinese. Mr. Green says he likes working in China. He likes the Chinese people and Chinese food. ( ) 1. Mr. Green teaches us ____________. A. English B. Chinese C. math (数学) D. Music ( ) 2. There are ________ children in Mr. Green’s family? A. three B. two C. some D. many ( ) 3. His wife is _________ every day. A. at school B. at work C. at home D. in a room ( ) 4. Mr. Green and his children can _______ a little Chinese. A. speak B. read C. write D. say ( ) 5. Mr. Green likes _______ in China. A. work B. works C. to work D. working

1.D2.A3.A4.C5.C(B)1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D
第3个回答  2009-05-21