

Race is a common feature of human population genetic constitution. Race, also known as race, biologically, humans of all races all belong to the same species, namely Homo sapiens. Different races in several variants of the equivalent of a species under, they originated in a common ancestor. Although somewhat different ethnic differences in skin color, eye color, hair color, hairstyle, head type, height and other features, but these features are due to the differences in a certain geographical area of human long-term adaptation to local natural environment, but also by the formation of long-term isolation .
Race (race), also known as race, is a historical and cultural characteristics and linguistic practices and other factors on morphological and physiological characteristics of the composition are regional groups.
According to the natural physical characteristics of race, biologist with essentialist way (ie physical characteristics as a standard) is typically the modern human race divided the world into four: white race (also known as white or Caucasian race or Eurasian race), Mongoloid (also known as the yellow race or ethnic Ami), Negroid (also known as the black race or ethnic equator) and the Australian race (also known as Oceania or brown person race kind), commonly known as white, yellow, black and brown race.